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Messages - thomaskreisman

Reg Discussion / Re: Clan Wars
June 29, 2008, 08:57:36 PM
ahh OK
Reg Discussion / Re: Passive Thomas Kreisman
June 29, 2008, 08:53:18 PM
I know I spelled those wrong but my keyboard was broke and some keys didn't work so some letters r missing but I fixed it now
Turbo Discussion / Re: Merc guild, read this
June 29, 2008, 08:02:35 PM
man! U need to keep up Check!
The GOP Party (ODD) / Re: What?
June 29, 2008, 02:54:57 PM
I will vote for anyont that will give me 100 mil lizzards in turbo and $150 billion
Turbo Discussion / Re: Merc guild, read this
June 29, 2008, 02:52:31 PM
I will next round when I can
Turbo Discussion / Re: Merc guild, read this
June 29, 2008, 01:51:16 PM
this is na old thread martin don't bring up old ones like this
Spa Room 101 / Re: My new avi
June 29, 2008, 01:06:40 PM
yes but did u know they made a 1 seater vertion of the SR-71 cauled the SR-10?

They have one of the only 2 SR-10's at The U.S. Space And Rocket Center in Hutsville, Alabama It is so reflective of radar that if u look at it in the right spot it reflects the sun into your eyes and makes it appere White.
You better whatch your back Ulbaz because u might just have a full scale uprizing on your hands in a matter of weeks and it might not be your crown those pearls go into, whatch your back I'm comming.
Reg Discussion / Re: Clan Wars
June 29, 2008, 12:50:21 PM
gagged? u mean baned?
Reg Discussion / Re: Passive Thomas Kreisman
June 29, 2008, 12:49:40 PM
your welcome, my accound just got disabled and I e-maild Wolf Bite so hopefully my account will be up and running angain soon.
that's the best networth I've ever had! ya!
6 is not the answer.
Spa Room 101 / Re: My new avi
June 28, 2008, 04:42:25 PM
I love plains, I want to be an air force pilot when I grow up, and fly the succesor to the A-10 Warthog.
Reg Discussion / Re: Clan Wars
June 28, 2008, 04:40:54 PM
ya I agree, hey this is so old I can't beleve that I'm posting in this! haha this is just to get on u guys nervs by posting in the oldest topic on reg discution hehehe
nope u r wrong and that was your only try but u where very close