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Messages - Aminrael

General Discussion / RWL Forum Member Awards
October 30, 2003, 05:38:30 PM
 I need to get my nominations in before it ends. Here we go!

Most Helpful: Shael
Most Amusing: Ragefur
Most Active: Ashyra
Best Ultra-Mod Participater: Retto
Best Spa Room Participater: NevadaCow
Best Spammer: Riverpaw
Most Serious: Ereptor
Most Bloodthirsty: Peace Alliance
Most Lovable: Aus!
Most Popular: Julie
Best AIM chatter: Ragefur.
Best Personality: Menatus
Best Signature: Ashyra
Best Avatar: Stormclaw
Best Photo Album Pic: Shael. (So....shiny!)
Favorite Forum Name: Ashyra
Best Couple: Shael and Kilk.
Most Likely to Become a Mod: Beatles
Most Artistically Talented: Beem. I like skittles.
Overall Best Member: Shael.
General Discussion / RWL Forum Member Awards
October 27, 2003, 05:08:54 PM
 *begs* No nominating yourself, please, people. *wanders off*
General Discussion / RWL: BAX vs. TSR: WB2 FaF
October 23, 2003, 06:46:29 PM
 Question: The topic title says "no editing". But isn't one of the points of posting in the UltraModerated Discussion board so that other members can edit your posts as needed? Or am I just being confused?
General Discussion / Apple vs. IBM
October 22, 2003, 08:24:33 PM
 Are you talking about the "Finder" option, or are you talking about OS 10? My mom's computer is an iMac, and when my computer broke, I had to use hers for two weeks. OS 8.6. *shudder*
General Discussion / Apple vs. IBM
October 22, 2003, 07:27:49 PM
 I just want to point out: Macs have no taskbar. And that reeeeeeally irritates me. Immensly. Plus, I luff my Dell Latitude laptop, and I don't want any other compy. *pets compy*

And no, I'm not saying that the only reason I dislike Macs is because they have no taskbars. There are other reasons, but that's the reason thats popping into my head right now.
General Discussion / A birthday!
October 22, 2003, 07:13:51 PM
Why did General Volkov post twice, saying almost the exact same thing both times? *stares*
General Discussion / Everybody MUST do this:
October 22, 2003, 07:12:15 PM
Quote from: RiverpawShiny? Why?
Because they wanted to be. Can you not recognize a shiny object when it's right in front of you? *shakes head*
Polling / How Old are you?
October 21, 2003, 07:48:48 AM
 I'm 15. 16 in April. But I won't be able to drive for a loooong time.
General Discussion / Everybody MUST do this:
October 20, 2003, 06:25:43 PM
Quote from: The Beatles1. a
Beatles says that he's a she?  :blink:

Here are my wonderfull, brilliantly thought-out shiny answers.

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. F
6. B
7. A
General Discussion / A birthday!
October 20, 2003, 06:19:50 PM
 Happy Birthday, Stormy! Happy Birthday ::hats::
And just to be random:
Polling / Using the Online List?
October 18, 2003, 08:18:41 AM
 I use it all the time! Mainly for curiosity, I suppose.
Spa Room 101 / o.0 Post-warrior of the Day....
October 17, 2003, 11:57:06 PM
 Yes, I named myself post-warioress of the day, but I will restrain myself from having a post war again! I hope!
Plus, at least I didn't have 173 posts in one day...
General Discussion / THOUSANDTH POSTY!
October 17, 2003, 08:38:43 PM
 YAY! Congratulations, Aus!  :D  
General Discussion / iPods
October 15, 2003, 11:29:37 PM
 Ooo, I've wanted an iPod ever since they came out (even though I hate Mac products). The price was what stopped me from buying it, as you can well imagine. Also, I heard that it has some weird battery thing that dies after about a year, and the only way to replace the battery is to replace the iPod. I'm not sure where I heard that, or even if it's right, but I'd want to find out before I'd buy one. O.o
General Discussion / Sig Pic
October 15, 2003, 11:19:41 PM
 Pretty nifty. I like it. The only problem is that I have to put the screen at a weird angle to be able to read it. Is it because I'm using a laptop, perhaps?