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Messages - Beem

Turbo Discussion / Re: The Stats Game
January 30, 2006, 11:08:33 PM
noooooo I dun wanna have a reset just yet ;.; that makes me so sad
Reg Discussion / Re: I do believe...
January 30, 2006, 11:04:37 PM
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on January 30, 2006, 07:22:28 PM
Nah, not really THAT attached to it cloud. And I've always been a king of spam Snare. When did I suddenly have to become responsible?

*Throws Beem back in dungeon, takes away skittles, has him imprisoned behind bars of titanium*

Tee hee.

that makes me cry ;.;   *pokes the bars* lemme out? *uses the skittle call to make skittles come to me* YAY!
Reg Discussion / Re: Hummm...
January 29, 2006, 08:02:55 PM
Quote from: nevadacow on January 29, 2006, 07:30:11 PM
Crazy? How?

You're a weasel... enough said?  Yes... that and... well... I didn't want to tell you this... but the green skittle said so.
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on January 29, 2006, 05:38:44 PM
Only if you actually bring back Cal.

Awww sad day.
Reg Discussion / Re: I do believe...
January 29, 2006, 06:49:18 PM
O.O!  How can they say no to skittles?!  *cries and pokes the evil guards with sticks.  uses the skittles sugar to eat away at the bars and then escapes*
Reg Discussion / Re: Hummm...
January 29, 2006, 05:14:19 PM
Quote from: nevadacow on January 29, 2006, 02:49:00 PM
Has anyone noticed that I, Bjorn Redtail of the Northland Raiders, am the only living player in reg who is a weasal?

That's just because you are crazy.
Quote from: cloud on January 29, 2006, 11:17:54 AM
lol, b[/color]eem. 

Quote from: Scarwake on January 27, 2006, 12:03:44 PM
Hmm...a grammar game, eh?

Corrections to the previous post:

*Rofl!  You little _____________
*I'm never letting you live down correcting my spelling.
*Every time you make a mistake; grammatically, phonically or semantically. 
*I'll be there.

Tsk tsk...You forgot to capitalize the first letter in each sentence, not to mention the lack of punctuation at the end and middle of the sentences.

>.>   Can I bring back the days of Calria, the queen of grammatica, and Beem, the Harlequin of grammatica?
Polling / Re: systems
January 29, 2006, 01:01:46 PM
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwing on January 29, 2006, 06:50:24 AM
<3 the Gamecube. PS2 comes in second. Xbox is evil. Evil, I tell thee.

Lol, you must be Asian.   :-D

Quote from: ImperialPhoenix on January 26, 2006, 11:08:00 AM
Quote from: cloud on January 25, 2006, 06:53:06 PM
wrong forum again... someone should teach this kid the meaning of english words... like "polling"

Someone needs to teach you to Stop Posting Annoying Messages
Just because I ain't have time to make it a poll, does not mean it' does not belong in that forum

*Starts twitching a bit... then more... then explodes* OH MY GOD! MUST FIX IT!

"Someone needs to teach you to not post annoying messages.  Just because I don't have the time to make it a poll, does not mean it doesn't belong in the 'Polls' forum."

*Lets out a long sigh of relief...* Emergency averted.  Correction of mutilated English, contained.

Polling / Re: systems
January 29, 2006, 02:12:11 AM
in Japan this poll would be flipped,   GC would be WAY more popular, and Xbox barely popular at all.   though PSII will always fall int he middle ground.  The reason why in most other countries GC doesn't get as much recognition is that a lot of other gamers are into the hotter releases of a maturer side to gaming, nintendo as a whole usauly stays towards a light hearted younger audience than most.  Though that side is dwindling as they see its not keeping up with todays market.
Polling / Re: Which way would you prefer to die?
January 29, 2006, 02:10:13 AM
I chose rabid wolves.  I'd rather return to nature by nourishing something... though they are rabid and will die anyway O.o... but I am kind of KIN to wolves, so it all works out in the end.
General Discussion / Re: Years
January 28, 2006, 11:31:32 PM
Quote from: Holby on January 28, 2006, 11:16:03 PM
I remember you, Lonewolf. And you're right, it's been about 3 years now.

I always liked playing Turbo with you ;)

>.>  *pokes my above thread* he only JOINED 2 years ago >.>  it couldn't have been 3 years... unless he joined after he came and left somehow...

Name:     lonewolf
Posts:    261 (0.366 per day)
Position:    Old Timer
Date Registered:    February 14, 2004, 07:15:26 PM
Reg Discussion / Re: I do believe...
January 28, 2006, 11:04:54 PM
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on January 28, 2006, 09:05:50 PM
O'course, what kind of emperor would I be if I didn't allow skittles?

YAY! *gives skittles to the prisoners and then uses them to escape from the prison and dances yay!*
Turbo Discussion / Re: KABAM
January 28, 2006, 08:53:31 PM
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on January 27, 2006, 04:20:19 PM
I'm not complaining, I'm challenging him to do what the majority of RWL already does, and get somewhere on his own merit. He's proven nothing except that he has friends who are good at RWL. I'll freely admit that I have had people who helped get to the top and stay there, but I did it in a CLAN. What Josh has done is cheap, he exploited the attack limits in his favor, anyone half competent could take the top when he was maxed 90 to 100% of the time. I'll accept his superioty when he shows that he can do what he has done without exploiting a code bug, outright cheating, or with friends but ina clan. Until then he's just someone who's had alot of help.

Dead Eye, you did it in a clan did you not? What Josh has pulled here is a cheap stunt, and nothing else. ANYONE could do it if they wanted to take the top and didn't care about merit. Most emps have had allies, but they still were only unbreakable because they could simply not be broken. They could at least be attacked. I say half the game would kill him because I think half the game is better than him. Hence my challenge. I just took the empship in reg, but I could be broken. That's the difference between me and Josh. I'm not myopic, unless without my glasses, I'm just one of the few people who sees this and decided to SAY something about it.

God, this is still going on?  OBVIOUSLY THE ADMINS HAVEN'T CHANGED THE RULES ON IT SO IT IS NOT YET ILLEGAL TO DO!  THEREFORE WHY NOT DO IT YOURSELF?!  Then you will be on the SAME playing field as Josh, and you can see who is better at getting to the top.  Hell, I used to think Josh was nothing but a cheater and a hacker and all that.  I learned he can't hack, and though he cheated, he is GENIUS ABOUT IT.  I have to respect that.  In all the rounds of RWL who has done that so far?  I mean honestly, it's a genius move that does not go against the rules.  So please for the love of purple juice stop bitching about it.