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Messages - CobyCopper

Spa Room 101 / Re: Omnomnom
March 30, 2009, 06:53:55 PM
Das ist sinnlos. Dieser Abschnitt ict auch sinnlos.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 30, 2009, 04:32:28 PM
Ok. I misread what you said. Anyways--I've done a fair bit of adapting and refining for strategies, new and old. It's just I've asked who did or when did and it seems that the aid-all version originated when I remember making the recommendation to try it. Oh well--I don't have my chat accessible so I have no clue, if that'd even be in there (and it's not worth researching).

Now then--Firetooth--you do have your uses. Like giving me 4._b food to help you suicide with. ;-) And then help me indy with.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 30, 2009, 03:13:19 PM
I played with Feng back then. I don't remember who or exactly how the leap was made, but I do remember getting the idea and having someone try it. There was resistance--oh that's too much work! No, not really. So I don't know--maybe it was mine, maybe it was someone else's. It's public domain, just like whoever initially invented the strategies that we use and adapt. As for Feng's team indy, I don't remember it being quite as efficient. Then again, it's on the useless side for team/clan indy if you don't have an effective leader. I'm rather sure I learned the basics of what my teams do when I was learning from you Kyle, but it's a bit of a leap between minor and major modification. All I can really remember is that months back even, there are players that ran the strategy more effectively than I did for the majority of this round.

And I don't see how this is a play-by-play of an exploit. Notably, I don't see what in this topic is an exploit. And not every idea is an exploit. That's what I don't like about being called a cheater at everything I do or even think of. In that way, every strategy is an exploit, since the development to run that strategy wasn't immediate. Just like you, I've made meaningful contributions to individual strategies. I've troubleshooted and made recommendations, some of which have made it into play and others that haven't. I'm not special in that regard--I'm just an easy target.

Anyways--Ublaz is down. I'm emperor, even if in name only. If you don't like that, try to kill me. If you don't mind that, keep playing. I have excluded myself from "normal" play by killing him, just like Wintersun or Peace Alliance could have done if I didn't show up that morning. Topic locked.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 30, 2009, 11:14:49 AM
Quote from: Marell on March 30, 2009, 08:14:35 AM
Quote from: CobyCopper on March 30, 2009, 01:25:16 AM
More like blah, blah, blah. I'm good but Army is great. This is the first time I ran this strategy that I created (or, adapted, however you want to look at it) and I did pretty well. Blah blah blah.

You created a whole new strategy now aswell? Please explain.
To the best of my knowledge and that of my allies, I adapted or invented or whatever the indy strategy that focuses on using only aid within clans. I haven't heard anything different from anyone. I've also not had a reason to run that strategy for more than a few days, except for this round. This round, since my clan hadn't a single Indy, I ran it to great success.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 30, 2009, 01:25:16 AM
More like blah, blah, blah. I'm good but Army is great. This is the first time I ran this strategy that I created (or, adapted, however you want to look at it) and I did pretty well. Blah blah blah.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 29, 2009, 04:26:10 PM
Quote from: Shadow on March 29, 2009, 04:16:43 PM
There are lots of possiblities for that useless title, but the way you took it kinda ruined a lot of them. Lucky for you that people would rather have an onliner have it than a woodlander member ^_^
I'll put it like this--it's all good clean fun as I was ready for the consequences. Hell--it really was by chance that I remember just how effective Chaos could be. I put it to good use at least. I'll probably play this position just to stay alive. No real power as it's difficult to setup anything when 3/4 of the game is out for blood now. Other than that, I don't see particular possibilities for the title. I took it to justify a month of indying and tens of billions of networth created and then destroyed. Without Windy, or without Ashy, or without Benedetto, or without me, Army would be a pitiful excuse for a clan, as we wouldn't have enough roles filled. So yeah--my rash decision to finally take the title is what got it for me. Woo hoo. The clan with 4 active team-players got it first and actually fair and square. And I'm hoping my emperor-ship will be play-testing enough to get this a bit better balanced.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 29, 2009, 04:11:43 PM
I'm investigating the possibilities of what to do with this useless title. Nobody will leave me alone, as if it's worth something. Lemme tell ya--it's not. It's a fancy position that I got into basically for the sole purpose of saying, "Bob-sama of Army was the first player to become Emperor of Samperta". I spent so much time and so many turns producing Army networth that I wanted to make sure that the work of one Rat yielded a few benefits. So it did--I'm the first Emp, everyone wants to kill me, and I can't hold networth anymore. Hoorah.

And yes, I did online Peace Alliance to get the title. Minutes before Ublaz unmaxed on 1 acre, I ran Frontal Assault with Chaos. I was able to slip an espionage in and see where his networth was and destroy much of it in a few turns. I have to be thankful to one particular warlord, as I was reminded of a "basher" strategy, and decided to use it to kill off a few million NW each attack.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 29, 2009, 09:20:06 AM
Quote from: Marell on March 29, 2009, 09:15:45 AM
Translation: "I took 1 land from a defenceless target and now my name is orange on the scores page, hurrah"
Yeah, basically. But you gotta have fun with these things. Otherwise, what's the point of any kill? By the end of most any kill, your target is at 1 acre and defenseless. So you don't get your name in orange (not that I can see it myself). You still get a kill to your name.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 29, 2009, 08:50:22 AM
Quote from: Firetooth on March 29, 2009, 08:48:39 AM
It doesn't suprise me that 2 blackfly members ruined this round thus cheated, another just acted as moronic as possible because he thinks it makes him look cool.
Bob...go try figure out pi and do everyone a favour please.
Who cheated? There were BlackFly members in every clan to the best of my knowledge.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 29, 2009, 08:44:15 AM
Yeah yeah yeah. Rant and rave. :-P I actually have quite the plan to royally mess things up. I just got to OK it with the Head Honchos.
Turbo Discussion / Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!
March 29, 2009, 08:27:45 AM
The Great Emperor of Samperta County, Ublaz, has been stuck down today by the sword of his Divisional Commander, Bob-sama, of the Army of Ublaz. In this viscous coup d'état, the mighty Commander Bob-sama had marched upon the flanks of his opposition. Divisional Commander Peace Alliance, of the Trident Guard, was entirely fortified around the remaining acres held by the former Emperor Ublaz himself. By marching upon the flanks of Peace Alliance, he commanded his army of Stoats to attack and cause chaos to the ranks of Peace Alliance, who threatened the balance of power in Samperta. Despite a noble effort and valiant fight, Peace Alliance's army of Stoats lay beaten in he wayside. As their Commander and his lieutenants begin to count the casualties, Bob-sama initiated the Emperor Ublaz's final orders: Operation Valkyrie, and peacefully and quickly overran the border. Bob-sama himself delivered the fatal blow, and has rightful claim to his Throne.

Emperor Ublaz is dead.


The First Player Emperor of Samperta
General Discussion / Re: hai guiz
March 22, 2009, 03:59:54 PM
Quote from: Holby on March 22, 2009, 04:11:34 AM
Quote from: Wolf Snare on March 22, 2009, 03:15:49 AM
Hey Devari! welcome back. You remember me at all? :P
You were just a crazy punk then. Not at all worth remembering :P
Better than me; back all those years ago, I was a noob who had no clue what he was doing. Still played like 2-3 rounds and got killed a few times. I wish I knew what my handle was back then.
Reg Discussion / Re: Hot Off The Press
March 22, 2009, 03:33:56 PM
Quote from: Firetooth on March 22, 2009, 03:30:53 PM
Murdering is bad, I don't like it! :'(
And about the OH unrelated to blackfly-psssh, that's as believeable as the land vacaing wasn't a tactical move...
All you guys take this too seriously like Shadow said. Why don't you actually enjoy the game?
I taught OH, but left them to their own devices for who to ally with and the like. So long as they didn't try to squash me up-front, they kept learning (until I went on vacation and all that). I may be mistaken, but Volkov had <700k leaders for a while... which means that a LOT of people could take him easily.
Reg Discussion / Re: Hot Off The Press
March 22, 2009, 03:26:50 PM
Quote from: Gen. Volkov on March 22, 2009, 03:13:49 PM
I broke the deal because your clan member, Draco, was part of the takedown. If you don't believe me, read this:

14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 12079 Acres of Land!    You lost 71263 Leaders, but you managed to kill 254798 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!
14.4 hours ago    Someone stole $956,736,718 from your treasury, though your guards them from stealing more.
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 9730 Acres of Land!    You lost 77880 Leaders, but you managed to kill 112100 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 4906 Acres of Land!    You lost 20020 Leaders, but you managed to kill 361765 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 11296 Acres of Land!    You lost 16889 Leaders, but you managed to kill 270439 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    Draco (#9) attacked you!    You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
1,326,989 Rats
162,910 Weasels
106,471 Stoats
70,958 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
144,144 Rats
35,201 Weasels
498,197 Stoats
141,482 Skiffs
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 8028 Acres of Land!    You lost 20822 Leaders, but you managed to kill 126086 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 6245 Acres of Land!    You lost 57834 Leaders, but you managed to kill 12001 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 2571 Acres of Land!    You lost 66379 Leaders, but you managed to kill 56956 of your attacker's Leaders.
14.4 hours ago    Draco (#9) attacked you!    You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
1,089,630 Rats
130,888 Weasels
51,516 Stoats
38,863 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
217,544 Rats
241,380 Weasels
469,846 Stoats
310,625 Skiffs
14.4 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Draco (#9) and you lost 3166 Acres of Land!    You lost 49444 Leaders, but you managed to kill 200950 of your attacker's Leaders.

Or they noticed what was happened and decided they wanted some land too. Unrelated actually--I've not had contact with my past students in about a month now.

Quote from: windhound on March 22, 2009, 03:22:42 PM
Quote from: Marell on March 22, 2009, 03:30:49 AM

The Hounds of Ulster (#11)
Turns (?)   450 (max 450)
Turns Stored (?)   150 (max 150)
Rank (?)   #1
Workers (?)   1,214,291
Acres (?)   81,945
Cash (?)   $22,471,011,175
Food (?)   1,457,686,582
Loyalty (?)   10,637,054
Networth (?)   $600,712,504
Location (?)   Mossflower
Race (?)   Stoat
Health (?)   100%
Tax Rate (?)   11%
Rats (?)   218,576,199
Weasels (?)   13,496,043
Stoats (?)   34,102,702
Skiffs (?)   22,448,345
Leaders (?)   19,246,857
Leader Ratio(?)  Lots     

Dont ask me how he did it, but somehow he is again unbreakable...seriously dont even bother trying.
In fact, everyone send him all of your resources or he will get angry and kill you.

That is truly amazing, regen'd all those leaders w/o using a single turn
Looks like he hacked the game to me =P

Anyways, not really Volky
Looks like he was just opportunistic.  He hit you 20 min after I finished, he honestly wasnt part of our run.
If you logged in and saw a group had dealt massive damage to a guy with oodles of land you wouldn't be tempted to take it?
Not to mention the 19m number would be >175 ratio, and no land was dropped so that amount was impossible in the first place.
Reg Discussion / Re: hounds of ulster's reign
March 22, 2009, 12:09:46 PM
All busy. What you gotta realize is I could have lent a LOT more help if I would have been active--I had to deal with having 0 turns out of protection. Anyways--if you're going to complain about troop training (it actually did unbalance a bit--since now every field is counted as 0%), tell Shael to reinstate it.