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Messages - Beem

Polling / Knighting or ladying
March 06, 2003, 09:31:49 PM
 *dances and votes shael* hooray! *dances around with an evil mysterious grin of mystery* I'm innocent ^_^ and ... peacefull....  I think... hooray! *continues throwing rice and confetti at random people, then wraping them in toilet paper*
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 06, 2003, 09:27:05 PM
 *on his way, marching steadily for his new point of interest.  Hearing an eagle over head, he turns to see where it is headed, then traces where it came from.  Climbing up a tall pine tree near by he searches the horizon. His keen wolf eyes see the smoke, moments before his nostrils flare with the smell of lapping flames.  curiousity gets the better of him, as he heads towards the smoke column, his pinetree goal momentairly delaid.*
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 05, 2003, 05:03:03 PM
  *standing on the tall cliff like edge, near the top of a great moutnain he stares about,  rustic gold eyes roving the land side for his next destination.  That is how he lives his life, finding one place to reach, then another.  Always keeps moving, not sure what he is looking for, but he hasn't found it yet.  Behind him a smokless fire flickers out of existance.*
hmmm... where do we go next...
*seeing a tall pine tree off in the distance, on a hill top he grins.*
looks like fun.
*starts climbing down the cliff, jumping from crag to crag and swinging on rock ledges, it doesn't take him long to make the decent.*
Polling / Will ya miss me?
March 04, 2003, 08:41:37 PM
 *twitches*  then just keep one?  the main one not the turbo?  and keep on the forums?  *grins and closes his big bottle of rubber cement after splashing it across the floor all around her* ^_^
Polling / Will ya miss me?
March 04, 2003, 08:33:29 PM
 You're not leaving is you............................................................................................................................................  please? stay?
Polling / What Religion Are You?
March 04, 2003, 08:23:42 PM
 Jehovahs witness ^_^ *dances around with insanity and boredom and hyperactivity*
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 04, 2003, 08:10:04 PM

name: Drusk.Frenwick

species: wolf

fur: auburn in color flecked with gold almond nose eyes are a russet gold

weapons: carries twin tai chi broad swords strapped like an X on his back,
in his belt he carries a dirk and twin sai's. a small cross bow stapped to his wrist and always loaded.

Wears: oriental style cloathing, embroidered red vest, not closed in front and has a gap between its bottom and his pants.  Baggy black pants.

Build: average build, is more fast than muscular, but can still hold quite a bit.
Polling / BEST avatar!
March 04, 2003, 08:00:08 PM
 hooray I downloaded the font! *Dances* hooray for me
Oh, and I vote Lady Shael of course ^_^  I love it,  tis a buba-hi one flames... crispy
Help / Bugs / I've got a question about the forums
March 04, 2003, 04:35:02 PM
 under our names, there are lil boxes,  they increase some how and some way,  how are they mesured before you get a new one? and how often?  if it is by posts, how many posts before you get another box?
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 04, 2003, 04:19:50 PM
 k, now my second question,  is there a central main location, a place where most of the beasts gravitate to?  liek in some rp places it is a tavern.
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 04, 2003, 03:47:30 PM
 umm by a character mentioned in at least one book, do you mean species?  or must we be a character such as kilconey?   can we make up a character just as long as it is a redwallish creature, ie. wolf, fox, rat, mouse, and so on?
General Discussion / SPAM
February 25, 2003, 08:47:39 PM
 I gotta question...  thoes lil boxes under out avatar/namesy thingsy,,,  how often do we get another box added to it?  hmmm.  And spam plots our destruction.... ^_^
General Discussion / ~*~ Poem ~*~
February 09, 2003, 09:30:17 PM
 ooooo poetry is good.  I have bunches of it  here
Boredoms inspiration
or if that doesn't work go here  there is also more on the next page.  BTW most of those were written during some tiem of turmoil or another ^_^.  have fun.
-winters minion, the post ninja  :ph34r:  
News / Updates / New server!
February 09, 2003, 05:04:39 PM
 Question, why can't you just copy the commands from the old game onto the new one?   :ph34r:  
General Discussion / New Numbers
February 08, 2003, 03:28:20 PM
  :ph34r: ummm....  but I like being a low number....   why oh why did this have to happen....  question... why didn't you just log on earlier?  If you had at least gotten in the top 30 or so I would ask some of the people to exchange our number or something ^_^  hmmmmm   besides, I dun want to start a new account