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Messages - Beem

Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 13, 2003, 07:08:26 PM
 *having slept late that morning, the young otter comes down the dormitory stairs.  His head fur is still a mess, but he wears a new habit, identical to his other.  His pouched pan flute still dangles around his neck, next to a small crystal on a chain.  It was given him by his father, supposedly meaning wisdom.  Those who?ve grown to know him, it isn?t always the case.  Nodding to those who look up at him as he enters, he takes a seat near Kiros, as it is near by.* Good day. *takes a single piece of bread soaks it in jam and scoffs it in an instant, then to one last piece.  He also listens to the conversations about him.*
General Discussion / Longest Sig
March 11, 2003, 08:40:42 PM
 I WANNA WIN! *spent 10 minutes trying to get it to the maximum length, may be off a character or two but hey it works.* did you know, that it won't let you have 1000 characters?  I had 999 and it made me drop to like 979
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 11, 2003, 07:53:26 PM
 (Wow, now I am confused.  where are we and when?  the next day? or what, it is hard to keep track of where we are with all this time jumping and skipping... one moment we are walking up stairs the next the squirrel is able to talk and all. please fill me in))
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 11, 2003, 05:40:06 PM
 ooc: I know against the rules, but it can be deleted as soon as I get an answer, is someone rping the abbot?
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 11, 2003, 05:36:11 PM
 *plows in through the abby doors, and franticaly looks for the father, spying him, he plows through beasts crowded in the room near the table, making his way to the father.  Upon reaching him he whispers the situation into his ear, so as not to create a large comotion with the other beasts*
Polling / Best RWL paraiody
March 11, 2003, 05:30:38 PM
 Heh! I wanna try one?

Psycho ward warlords

Your insanity wing riots against neurological wing and captures 500 tranquilizer pills in the effort, you lost:
14,133 Pill cups
300 Electric shock therapy coupons
5,789 Ritalin
456 Delusional trips

In their defense, neurological wing lost:
8,459 Pill cups
2,480 Electric shock therapy coupons
4,158 Ritalin
983 Delusional trips

(Fixed... I think)
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 11, 2003, 05:22:15 PM
 *seeing dead eye open the door and have an odd look, then pick up a bundle he quickly runs over to help.  His habit's hem flowing down the steps behind him, and the pan flute pouch bouncing with him.  Catches up to him and tries to help with the load* here lemme help
General Discussion / BLUEMOON!
March 11, 2003, 04:05:16 PM
  That newb didn't make it up either then, I heard it on a movie or in a book or something like that.  *thinks it might have been from the lord of the rings or hobit cartoon movies or somat like that.* But I have heard it before
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 11, 2003, 03:55:50 PM

*from the wall top the young otter sits.  He is barely more than a teenager, but timid and wise for his young age.  His deep blue habit, custom made, russtles in the breeze slightly.  Inhis paws is a hand crafted pan flute of much age.  As he plays it, the melodious tune floats down to the beasts below.  He has had much practice so he plays quite well.  As he sees the beasts drawing near he grins and continues his mid-eve's practice.  Once the bells are tolled, booming over the giant abby, he sets the flut in a small pouch about his neck and hurries to join the others down below*
"Wait up, I'm coming" *he shouts to them*
Polling / What is you fav. kind of music?
March 10, 2003, 06:45:36 PM
 I like everything from, beethtoven, to flogging molly, three doors down to system of a down.  from rap (well some of it) to country.  I love most all of it ^_^ including opera.  I am also a big fanatic of vocal music, such as bg music in lord of the rings. *buys many sound tracks* and hawiian music and japanese music  so as you can see I love it all.  I even love oldies, and jazz
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 08, 2003, 08:03:33 PM
 *runs full of glee, looking back occasionally he makes sure the other can keep up* quick now!
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 08, 2003, 07:58:37 PM
 *looks at him in a tree top, standing tall a tia chia sword in paw his tail twitches* more killing sounds fun, I just started *big evil grin, starst to bound away again in search of the rest of this horde*
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 08, 2003, 07:50:14 PM
 *nods to him* I'll meet you there, I'll do a quick check for any stray then see you there *grins maliciously and takes to the tree's dropping down and killing any stray he can find, before heading back to the river through tree tops*
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 08, 2003, 07:44:18 PM
 *is spinning jumping crouching and slasshigna ll the while, looks like a blurr of orangey red cloth and silver steel spraying blood as he continues his mass killing, a few stray cuts find him as he meets vermin steel but none to dangerous. starts to cackle wildly*
Role-Play / Redwall RP
March 08, 2003, 07:32:23 PM
 *firing his loaded cross bow at the vermin leaders mid back, he then leaps from the trees top both tia chia swords drawn and aimed to slice any verm head he happens to fall on.   landing in the middle of the pack he takes out two, cleaving them donwt he middle.  He  then starts to spin and twirl slashing at any vermin daring enough to come close smiling all the while*