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Messages - Beem

Polling / What Grade are you in?
March 16, 2003, 09:23:36 PM
 I'm a junior in high school, or grade 11 which ever.  ^_^ I am also the third youngest in my class at the age of 16. hooray go me.  *dances around happy not to be the youngest, or near the youngest here.*
Polling / WORST Book
March 16, 2003, 09:16:33 PM
 I read redwall in 1 day once, hehe. I am a fast and deicated reader, I read the first 4 Harry pot-head books in 3 days ^_^ it was rainy and my cousin had them and I was desperate for reading material.  But I hated taggerung because it didn't stay consistant.  The otter was strong, then average and everything in between
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 16, 2003, 08:53:09 PM
 *nimbley bounding down the stairs, has a small pack on his back, in which: a few scones, some crystalised fruits, some chesnuts and a couple apples are stored.  In his paw he carries an old bow-staff, a relic from his fathers day.  Around his neck is the crystal necklace and the pouched pan flute.  tucked in his belt is a small carving nife.  Approaches Pesselus's room and peers inside, standing ready* almost ready then? I've got a few vittles, 'cept the canteens, the friar was filling them with cordial when I left to fetch you two. *smiles and stands ready*
General Discussion / Scary...
March 15, 2003, 09:46:29 PM
 HAHAHAHA Lady of Shael has tricked me?  She has eaten my brain?  Oh no it is I who tricked her, I have no brain to be eaten.  There fore I am the victor! Mwuahahahahahaha *evil laughter before dispursing* *coughs back* up to 24 now
Polling / WORST Book
March 15, 2003, 09:38:40 PM
 Triss was awsome, I loved the bellmaker, but taggerung sucked.  It just did, one moment he is the fastest and strongesty alive, the next he has trouble with something or other.  It just didn't work right. Thus, I vote for it.
Polling / best french fry condiment
March 15, 2003, 09:35:11 PM
 FRANK YOU! %^_^ *worked hard to collect all sorts of things that makes one happy*
Bugs / Bugs free
March 15, 2003, 09:20:10 PM
 D.E that is probably not a good thing to be advertising, because if you are getting that much, it means you have many more markets than you should have
Polling / best french fry condiment
March 15, 2003, 08:52:40 PM
Quote from: OrcristYeah...just so everyone knows, we're not allowed to call them french fries, or french toast, because the French, due to their anger at Bush's determination to attack Iraq, have forbidden the use of those terms (because they have the word "french" in them). From now on, we must call them freedom fries...what an awful :(  :(  :(
That is just stupid, just because th french do not agree with us, doesn't mean I am going to start being a pig headed arrogant american and call them freedom fries, it is just a childish stupid thing.  *is totaly against it* grrr any way, I just had ./FRENCH/ fries, in gravy ^_^ twas good.
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 15, 2003, 08:47:40 PM
 ooc- since this is ooc when you end teh story, do we really need the ooc- mark?  and my name iz zenni in the rp not beem
General Discussion / newbie,inbetweenie,oldbie/vet
March 14, 2003, 07:08:26 PM
 How long does one have to be around to no longer be a newbie?  then how long before an oldbie/vet?
and best of all, what am I?
I thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss, though it probably should be in the help topic
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 14, 2003, 07:02:43 PM
 I'm happy with it, I enjoy it, though it keeps going to quickly I find it hard to keep up at times^_^.  But I am hapy with it over all.
Role-Play / Noonvale: The Lost Journey
March 14, 2003, 03:57:20 PM
 */Zenni.Riverpool/ (this is my name ic, for baransen) hops of the edge of the stairs, where he sat listening to the story and grins.* I'd love go accompany you two.  If you wouldn't mind that is.  I have heard stories of noonvale and would love to see it.  Please let me go. *pleading voice*
Polling / best french fry condiment
March 14, 2003, 03:40:40 PM
Quote from: RazorClawLemme guess, you're Canadian? They're the only ones who put gravy on theirs.
I live in maine and I love gravy on my fries, I just forgot to put it on the list ^_^  gravy with sqeecky cheese over fries (yes squeeky cheeze is a real type of cheese.) ^_^ hooray
Bugs / Bugs free
March 13, 2003, 08:42:59 PM
 The gambeling thing still isn't working for me, so it isn't bug free
Polling / best french fry condiment
March 13, 2003, 08:15:23 PM
 Hey, take this poll, I am bored and was eating french fries, and wondered what to eat them with.  so let you decide my fate for next time ^_^
eep, I misspelt mayonnaise; and forgot to hyphenate french-fries