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Messages - Aminrael

General Discussion / Question
November 05, 2003, 05:22:47 PM
 Ahh, gotcha. Because I walk to the Indiana Notre Dame after school a lot. Well, I used to. Now I'm too lazy. I guess shoving through multitudes of people in the hallways makes one very tired.  
News / Updates / You remember The Lady Shael a Mod?
November 05, 2003, 05:18:56 PM
 Congratulations, Shael! You deserve admin-ship.

*offers smarties as a present*
General Discussion / Question
November 05, 2003, 05:16:58 PM
 Bloodrath, you said you go to Notre Dame (I think). Is that the Notre Dame in Indiana?

At my school, the halls are ALWAYS crowded. Immensly. If my friends say something, I'll reply, but I won't stop walking. Everyonce in a while my friends and I will just form a big clump in the middle of the hallway, but it's always after school. I despise people who block the hallways between periods. I've been late to a couple of classes because of them. *shakes fist*

Oh, the school is SJHS in Indiana.
General Discussion / guess
November 03, 2003, 05:10:27 PM
 Red skittles rock. Welcome, Beem!

*offers skittles*

*eats smarties*
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
November 02, 2003, 04:35:04 PM
  :o  Wow, Peace Alliance, you got it! The closest was "eeeel-say". My goodness. Shocking. Eeel-say is how Americans (or any other English-speaking peoples) would say it, but they can never remember, so they call me "Ill-suh".  
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
November 02, 2003, 03:21:40 PM
 Nope, none of those are right. My friends call me Ill-sah/Ill-suh, but 'tis not the correct pronounciation.
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
November 02, 2003, 10:05:22 AM
 *impressed* Ashyra got pretty close when she said "Ill-sah". That's what all my friends call me. That's what I go as to EVERYONE except my parents. But alas, that's still not how you say my name correctly.
General Discussion / Almkman
November 02, 2003, 10:02:00 AM
Quote from: Gen. VolkovI hate all college teams cept Notre Dame....
Do you live close to Notre Dame, Volkov? Or do you support them for some other odd reason? They're doing pretty badly this year, ya know.
General Discussion / RWL Forum Member Awards
November 01, 2003, 05:53:07 PM
 The results are in, everyone!
Before announcing the winners:
-Votes were not counted for people who nominated themselves
-If you nominated more than one person per category (excluding Best Couple), only the first person you named got the vote
-Any votes for the real Mods and Admins in the Best Ultra-Mod Participater were not counted, seeing as the point of the Ultra-Mod Forum is to see which member is best at modding without actually being a Moderator.

Most Helpful: A tie between Ad and Shael
Most Amusing: Julie
Most Active: Shael
Best Ultra-Mod Participater: A tie between Austin and Wolf Bite
Best Spa Room Participater: NevadaCow
Best Spammer: A tie between Ashyra and Blackeyes
Most Serious: Ereptor
Most Bloodthirsty: Peace Alliance
Most Lovable: Julie
Most Popular: Ad
Best AIM chatter: A three-way tie between Aus, Holby, and Ragefur
Best role-player: Kilkenne
Best Personality: A tie between Austin and Holby
Most wanted back: Julie
Favorite Banned Member: Fenix
Best Signature: A three-way tie between Ashyra, Deathclaw, and Riverpaw
Best Avatar: A four-way tie between Dixie Rose, Kilkenne, Peace Alliance, and Stormclaw
Best Photo Album Pic: A tie between the Redwall Group Picture done by Calria, and Ragefur
Favorite Forum Name: A tie between Aminrael and Ashyra Nightwing
Best Couple: Kilkenne and Shael
Most Likely to Become a Mod: A tie between Beatles and Riverpaw
Most Artistically Talented: Menatus
Best Newbie: A tie between Riverpaw and Mikalae Darkknight
Most Game-Related Member: Wolf Bite
Overall Best Member: Shael!

Congratulations to all of the winners!
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
November 01, 2003, 05:06:25 PM
 No one's gotten the correct pronounciation of my name yet. *amused*
Polling / Accent on 'happy'...
November 01, 2003, 10:33:44 AM
Quote from: Dead EyeHe also rapes women, and has no brain. Only the California would vote for a man with a record for raping over 10 women.
Hey! No insulting Californians. I'm not saying that I supported Arnold winning the election, I'm just saying that since this happened in California, you automatically assume that everyone from California has no brain. And you shouldn't. Nyeh.

And Shael, I say HAppy. But I was born in California, so I'm not sure if the reason your teacher says haPPY is because she's from Cali...
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
November 01, 2003, 10:20:13 AM
 *buzzer sounds* Incorrect! My name is not pronounced "Ill-say".

*wanders off*
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
October 31, 2003, 05:50:09 PM
 Nope. I think I shall amuse myself by watching you foolish mortals attempt to pronounce my name. Eheh.

And I'm talking about my real name (Ilse), not Aminrael. Just making sure people know.
General Discussion / Bye.
October 31, 2003, 05:47:51 PM

I'm sorry, Dixie! Be happy, and have fun. But if you want, come back! Because there are still people here who luff you. ^_^
General Discussion / Does anyone know how
October 31, 2003, 05:37:49 PM
 *hums* No one knows how to say my real name. Everyone butchers it, 'cept my parents. It's German, even though I'm hispanic/Latin American...

And I have the tendency to pronounce new names with a Spanish accent (considering that Spanish was my first language), so originally I pronounced Shael's name as Shay-el. And I still do. *guilty grin*