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Messages - fexfighter

can someone please post
Spa Room 101 / repairing last word
October 13, 2008, 08:36:08 AM
me like fish       me fox hehehehehehehehe
thats really nice of you but i really doubt anyone will treat me as an equal or be kind to me any more, the fact is i natually find somthing to argue about in most things mainly religion and culture but if it is possible for me to stay on R.W.L than il take it

I hope that no one took personal offence at this thred if so ill give the most apologetic response in
SI-KADIN I can think of.

    "HONOUR THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN OFFENCE THROUGH YOURE ACTIONS AND YOU MAY YET SUCCEED IN WINNING OVER THERE HEARTS"   ( saying that all clan council members tell you when you join the council so as to prevent a war from erupting when you offend another clan/tribe)

and i will do just that
okay so to you it was small  but im going to ask someone to close this thread its cuased enough problems  and i regret even joining redwall war lords  :-\ :-\  sorry that i came here and cuased this fight
 *sighs deepley* I am giving up on this you guys wont listen and there is no joy in arguing with you guys now  im sorry for the huge bonfire i have started and im going to delete this thread (please say other wise if you want me to keep this thred open  ill give any one a week to object then im closing this thread
General Discussion / Re: New
October 05, 2008, 01:43:23 AM
like i said im leaving and i only wanted to make them shakey (that dident work to well) oh well any way welcome to redwall warlods hologen hope you enjoy them as much as i do lol lol  :D :D
what ? -.-
thanks also i wasent asking them to join my religion is was asking them to see if there was cubey pop near them and if they could try and help them
fine if you want a complete truth than here you go  youre forcing me to tell you that were nothing more than 1 citie made up out of countless groups we call clans or tribes we do elect leaders through meeting and voting who should be our leader we also have no econemy exept for bartering for things we dont have or cant make in our own cities also the war part is a lie we have a number of clans and groups who want to destroy us       if you want the truth to anything more ive said just ask sighs deepley the onley thing i dident exxagerate was my reliogion which was founded onley 4 years ago
General Discussion / Re: New
October 03, 2008, 09:50:12 PM
this forum is really annoying to the point that i hate >:( >:( >:( it but if it gets s debate out of you loons than ill take it now if you excuse me i have some praying to do (not to god to the 5) :D :D :D :D also you blockheads dont exept change and so what my posts get confussing i want o live in australia so bad i hate california and i dont care if you dont believe a word i say i dont have to listen to what blockheads who deny somthing that i have argued about for ages you know what im going to tell everyone in my school about rewallwarlords in a bad way there happy youve officialy pissed me off and i hope you all never reach youre star hearth NI CARTA DO TAVOR RODON TELLOR TAC-TOES   

also im going to leave this thread so as not to start another debate sorry hologen for turning this into a debate
General Discussion / Re: New
October 01, 2008, 07:09:08 PM
no i do live in califonia but i left out i used to live in Austalia for my whole life now stop making fun of my posts im only 11 after all and for one i stoped my debates over religion and cultures but its just a subject im interested in SO BUG OFF
General Discussion / Re: New
October 01, 2008, 08:31:57 AM
I live on an armey base two hours away from Melbourne really nice place to auzzi auzzi auzzzi oi oi oi
Spa Room 101 / repairing last word
September 23, 2008, 09:32:22 PM
no we do not farm we are given food by are parents dugh :D :D :D :D    also if the hurricanes arnt going north than i dont know why theres been a lack of communication from the cities but back to the fact im sorry i used econemy it wasent the right word to explain it, we have money, job specializations, social classes, a religion, a slightley defunctional goverment a writting system and everything that qualifies us as a civilization and no we could not take a us city becuase guess what were kids armed with gadras, solar moon cresents and so on now none of youre aguments against me seem relevent or even what you need to be arguing about becuase there all for modern adult civilizations  and now i wanted to tell you all that io created this topic for one reasons and that was to get a good debate  also what do you call it when a large number of kids decides to pick a leader (the emporor)  and then let them make the desiscions it is that simple it even happens at school  also we cant rebuild well exept on the odd acasion we spend a lot of time building up lets say on the tip of the pyramid and along comes an arguement that rips a city apart or destroys it and the city on the point of that pyrimad comes toppling down and with it evry one in it two we just cant rebuild thats why i called it a crisis
sorry about the hurrricane part i dont get too see the news verey often and i meant structure as in goverment and its people also if you stil dont understand this the war is actually not an organized group against us thats just a name we give any one who trys and destroy us and like i said the only reason we call them nattions is becuase to a kid a city like T.E.O.P is a nation