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Messages - Daryn

Role-Play / Re: Roleplay!
April 19, 2009, 06:54:36 AM
"Charge!" Daryn roared as they stormed Quixote's castle.
The NHs burst out of the surrounding trees and began firing volleys of arrows. Vermins screeched as hissing arrows found their mark.
"Lord Ungatt," Daryn bowed his head respectfully, "My soldiers require the use of grappling hooks. May we lend some of yours?"
Polling / Pizza Vs. Burgers
April 18, 2009, 10:32:31 PM
so yeah...
raising post count and challengin' RWL's great minds
Polling / Re: Bacon Vs. Ice Cream
April 18, 2009, 10:31:28 PM
Quote from: Firetooth on April 18, 2009, 09:10:42 AM
Ice cream>bacon
But bacon is still good, but you can't eat it with a flake.

I guess ice cream beats bacon as of now but hdin > all (need an explanation? It's concerning a game: Diablo 2)
Clans / Soul Reapers!
April 18, 2009, 09:58:19 PM
It helps if you know about the manga!

This clan is based off of Tite Kubo's manga series, Bleach.

If you are not familiar with this manga, please search it up on wikipedia.

All positions are open, including Central 46 (court), and Captain General.

In search of new members or old!
Role-Play / Re: Regular: Role Play
April 18, 2009, 09:27:37 PM
Daryn waited for his move. this was indeed a strange land
Role-Play / Re: Roleplay!
April 18, 2009, 09:26:26 PM
Daryn decided whose side he should fight with. he decided that the first person to ask him to fight shall be his ally.

OCC: Someone, talk to daryn!
Polling / Bacon Vs. Ice Cream
April 14, 2009, 02:55:47 PM
Food Fight of the Millenium!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm bored  :'(
Polling / Re: Pirates Vs Ninjas!
April 14, 2009, 02:54:28 PM
pirates are wiining with 8 votes!
ninjas are losing with 5
Role-Play / Re: Regular: Role Play
April 14, 2009, 02:52:48 PM
The mighty galleon Flying Dutchman plowed through the stormy seas. The captain, a grizzled old otter, smiled as the spray of the foam and blowing gales caressed his craggy features. In the distance, he sighted dark cliffs rising up against the sea.
"'ey, Daryn!" the otter yelled. "Is this the land your goin' tae?"
A massive snow leopard pounced up onto the quarter deck. "Mossflower country," he murmured as he rubbed his eyeless socket. "I guess it is. The map also shows the cliffs, Cap'n Poseidon."
Poseidon thumped his tail upon the wooden deck. "Prepare to drop anchor, mateys!"
The crew, a disciplined rabble of otters sprang into action.
Daryn smiled at his old friend. It was a great favor he was doing the veteran by sailing him away from his past in the Eastern lands. There, he was forced to commit mutiny against his emperor and kill some of his former allies during the war.
Poseidon was in fact the sea god, in the form of an otter. He had powers over the sea and its inhabitants.
"Ehhh, I believe ye do have the need for a good ship, after we leave ye, is that nae right?" Poseidon queried.
"True," Daryn answered back.
The otter's dark eyes scanned the waters. "There is a ship layin' here, sunk a couple of years ago, but in good shape. Juggernaut 'tis called. The ship is intact. With a couple of repairs, she could brave any storm in the worst waters."
"I'll guess I'll take her then," Daryn agreed.
With a wave of a brawny arm, the Juggernaut exploded out of the water. Barnacles crusted its mighty hull. The mast lay in black tatters. The wood itself was black as if tar was poured over it.
"Get to it crew!" Poseidon roared. "Repair it!"
The otters dived into the water and swam to the ship with tools. Within a couple of hours, the ship was as good as new.
Daryn thanked Poseidon graciously.
"This is what I do," Poseidon replied simply. "Come, hot seafood soup is awaitin'!"

The Night Hunters, the Brooklyn Empire (another story, another day)'s former elite guard, landed on the shore. The sand was wet beneath their foot paws. A river rushed into the sea nearby.
Morvatius, Daryn's lieutenant, led a hunting party out to explore the land while Daryn set up a makeshift camp. Soon, the fox stumbled back, chased by some unknown predator.
"General!" Morvatius cried as his party reached the camp. "Attack!"
Daryn drew his phase blade. It was about 4 feet long, made of a reddish crystal, with the name "Grief" written on the blood channel.
Lanky hares burst out of the bushes, roaring, "Eulalia!"
   The leader of the hares stepped sharply out, and announced, "Who are you chappies, and what are you doing in these lands?"
Daryn drew himself up to his full height and pointed his sword at the ground. "We are Night Hunters, from the eastern lands."
The leader, stroked his whiskers and said, "And are you vermin?"
"We do not mean you any harm, if that is what you mean," Daryn replied.
"Welcome to Southern Mossflower country then, old lad," the hare announced. "If we find you doing any sort of mischief around and about, you can be sure that we will make your group scoot your boots out of here. I am Colonel Bramble Tamsworth, of the Fur and Foot Patrol in South Mossflower. Pleased to meet you, wot, wot!"
"I am General Daryn, of the eastern lands, and of the Night Hunters," Daryn bowed low. "We are wandering mercenaries for hire as of this moment. We will not be using our ship as of right now. Will you mind to take care of it, until we come back?"
Bramble raised an eyebrow. "A ship, eh? Well that will be mighty hard to take care of, but we will do nonetheless, general. What's the name?"
"Juggernaut," Daryn replied.
"Surely you don't mean that corsair vessel that sank a couple of years ago?" Bramble exclaimed in shock. "Captain Grushka was the worst pirate to pollute the sea. He stole the ship that my grand-daddy's nephew's cousin's grand-mater's uncle's brother-in-law, and renamed it."
"I don't know the history behind these regions, Colonel," Daryn responded. "You are welcomed at our camp."
The next day, the fur and foot patrol escorted the Night Hunters out of their territory.
And then, this was how the great general came to the  war-torn regions of Mossflower.

Ya, so someone make a battle or something
need someone to ally with
Role-Play / Re: Roleplay!
April 14, 2009, 02:50:27 PM
so then Daryn saw Firetooth and Quixote battling it out.
The leopard wondered which side to join
Polling / Pirates Vs Ninjas!
April 12, 2009, 05:34:46 PM
The Match of the Millenium!
Role-Play / Re: Roleplay!
April 12, 2009, 04:39:53 PM
The mighty galleon Flying Dutchman plowed through the stormy seas. The captain, a grizzled old otter, smiled as the spray of the foam and blowing gales caressed his craggy features. In the distance, he sighted dark cliffs rising up against the sea.
"'ey, Daryn!" the otter yelled. "Is this the land your goin' tae?"
A massive snow leopard pounced up onto the quarter deck. "Mossflower country," he murmured as he rubbed his eyeless socket. "I guess it is. The map also shows the cliffs, Cap'n Poseidon."
Poseidon thumped his tail upon the wooden deck. "Prepare to drop anchor, mateys!"
The crew, a disciplined rabble of otters sprang into action.
Daryn smiled at his old friend. It was a great favor he was doing the veteran by sailing him away from his past in the Eastern lands. There, he was forced to commit mutiny against his emperor and kill some of his former allies during the war.
Poseidon was in fact the sea god, in the form of an otter. He had powers over the sea and its inhabitants.
"Ehhh, I believe ye do have the need for a good ship, after we leave ye, is that nae right?" Poseidon queried.
"True," Daryn answered back.
The otter's dark eyes scanned the waters. "There is a ship layin' here, sunk a couple of years ago, but in good shape. Juggernaut 'tis called. The ship is intact. With a couple of repairs, she could brave any storm in the worst waters."
"I'll guess I'll take her then," Daryn agreed.
With a wave of a brawny arm, the Juggernaut exploded out of the water. Barnacles crusted its mighty hull. The mast lay in black tatters. The wood itself was black as if tar was poured over it.
"Get to it crew!" Poseidon roared. "Repair it!"
The otters dived into the water and swam to the ship with tools. Within a couple of hours, the ship was as good as new.
Daryn thanked Poseidon graciously.
"This is what I do," Poseidon replied simply. "Come, hot seafood soup is awaitin'!"

The Night Hunters, the Brooklyn Empire (another story, another day)'s former elite guard, landed on the shore. The sand was wet beneath their foot paws. A river rushed into the sea nearby.
Morvatius, Daryn's lieutenant, led a hunting party out to explore the land while Daryn set up a makeshift camp. Soon, the fox stumbled back, chased by some unknown predator.
"General!" Morvatius cried as his party reached the camp. "Attack!"
Daryn drew his phase blade. It was about 4 feet long, made of a reddish crystal, with the name "Grief" written on the blood channel.
Lanky hares burst out of the bushes, roaring, "Eulalia!"
   The leader of the hares stepped sharply out, and announced, "Who are you chappies, and what are you doing in these lands?"
Daryn drew himself up to his full height and pointed his sword at the ground. "We are Night Hunters, from the eastern lands."
The leader, stroked his whiskers and said, "And are you vermin?"
"We do not mean you any harm, if that is what you mean," Daryn replied.
"Welcome to Southern Mossflower country then, old lad," the hare announced. "If we find you doing any sort of mischief around and about, you can be sure that we will make your group scoot your boots out of here. I am Colonel Bramble Tamsworth, of the Fur and Foot Patrol in South Mossflower. Pleased to meet you, wot, wot!"
"I am General Daryn, of the eastern lands, and of the Night Hunters," Daryn bowed low. "We are wandering mercenaries for hire as of this moment. We will not be using our ship as of right now. Will you mind to take care of it, until we come back?"
Bramble raised an eyebrow. "A ship, eh? Well that will be mighty hard to take care of, but we will do nonetheless, general. What's the name?"
"Juggernaut," Daryn replied.
"Surely you don't mean that corsair vessel that sank a couple of years ago?" Bramble exclaimed in shock. "Captain Grushka was the worst pirate to pollute the sea. He stole the ship that my grand-daddy's nephew's cousin's grand-mater's uncle's brother-in-law, and renamed it."
"I don't know the history behind these regions, Colonel," Daryn responded. "You are welcomed at our camp."
The next day, the fur and foot patrol escorted the Night Hunters out of their territory.
Daryn decided to scout a bit around to get the lay of the land, with his scouts, Beranabus and Branard. Beranabus and Branard were brother wolves, and even thought they were young, Daryn believed that they were the best scouts he had ever had.
"General!" Beranabus cried. "There is a battle to the west!"
In the distance, the leopard saw a large fort of some sort. Observing closer, he saw some figures exchanging volleys of arrows.
"Well then, let's go see what they are up to..." Daryn muttered as he crept away silently into the shadows.
General Discussion / Re: signatures
April 12, 2009, 04:13:01 PM
i used fotoshop to make my signatures
if anyone wants me to make some for them, message me
include what you want included (animals, and other stuff) and the like

to put stuff on:
upload the image onto the internet if it doesnt exist yet online and put it b/t
the (pic) is your signature
General Discussion / signatures
April 12, 2009, 10:34:29 AM
ya, so is there a size limit to signatures?
cuz mine is 400 by 15
Role-Play / Saved roleplay from last turbo round :)
April 11, 2009, 10:16:18 PM
this is trident clan roleplay :)
this is all that i've managed to save
i hope orion, krowdon, or some other guys can add their part into it soon :)

Summary: by firetooth i believe
Well, the first character is Daryn, who leads a troupe of night hunters. They come to Ublaz, and he accepts them. The second is mine, Orion, a lone white fox who is a seer, and is also accepted. The third is Krowdon, a vampire, who is accepted. Daryn came from a temple, and is supposed to have rebelled against brook, whoever that is. Apparently Krowdon betrayed the rebellion to brook, who drove them from the temple. Orion and Krowdon have met, and Orion cast Krowdon out of Volterre, Italy. (What that has to do with Redwall is beyond me) Orion and Krowdon are now fighting. So that's it, I'm looking forward to your addition.

The Night Hunters wandered the land aimlessly, looking for employment. They were no longer as powerful as they were after the execution of the God King Emperor Brook. Night Hunters used to be the highest of the high, the God King's body guard himself, but now these fearsome warriors were now reduced to nothing but unemployed mercenaries. All night hunters were schooled in the way of all weapons at the Temple-Abbey of Sancterros, fearsome warriors to the death, like the legendary Spartans.
The cold night was freezing and froze on the whiskers of the grizzled snow leopard as dew drops on the prow of the ship. He was missing his right eye and a mangled leg, trophies from the battle of the Sanctuary, where he, the leader of the rebelling Night Hunter group against Brook, had fought valiantly in a narrow corridor where numbers count for nothing. There, he had lost his eye to a lucky sword swing and the use of his leg to a javelin.
"Lord Daryn!" a fellow Night Hunter cried. "A storm is coming..."
"Yes I know, Morvatiust," Daryn sighed as he limped to the starboard side of his ship, the Poseidon, facing the oncoming storm. "Pray to Zakarum that this leaky bucket will survive."
The storm battered the ship with hurricane winds as streaks of lightning from the fury of Thunder God Zeus himself blazed across the skies. Rain lashed the ocean, pelting fur slick against skin.
After the horrid night, Lord Daryn found himself watching an island in the distance, upon it. The ship was definitely blown off course from their original destination of Mossflower Country.
Battered and weary, the Night Hunters trudged up to the shores carrying their weapons in case of a hostile welcoming. They were greeted by an entourage of Trident Rats.
"Name yourself!" the lead trident rat commanded.
Daryn did nothing but take the metal mask, symbol of the Night Hunters, and put it over his face. "Hedgehog formation!" he called over his shoulder. The Night Hunters suddenly, interlocked their shields and poked their long spears through the gaps.
"They are Night Hunters!" a trident rat gasped. The rest of the rats became panicky.
Daryn smiled from the behind the mask. His single eye glinted with amusement from the darkness behind it. "We are Night Hunters! Reaper of Souls! Scythes on the wheat field of war!"
Behind the leopard, the Night Hunters cried out their war cry.
The lead Trident Rat stepped forward. "Come, we will take you to our emperor and see if you might serve him."
And so the group trekked toward the castle or palace.
Emperor Ublaz sat on his throne. The pine marten glared at the storm battered figures of the Night Hunters. "Who are these mongrels that come begging on my steps, Firetooth?"
Ublaz hissed with an air of distaste.
A few of the Trident Guard shifted uneasily as he said the insult.
Suddenly, there was a hiss and a thonk. Emperor sprang aside just in time to find a spear pinning his royal cloak to the ground.
"We do not take insults easily, Emperor, but we wish to serve you for shelter and food," Daryn hissed back as he took of the mask.
Ublaz ripped the ripped the spear out of his cloak and pointed it at Daryn's exposed throat. "You shall die in agony for an attempted murder of the Emperor."
Daryn was emotionless. "If you kill me, my Night Hunters will have no mercy upon your army, or anyone who is in this palace, in fact, your majesty. You, Mad-eyes, will be nothing but a carcass left out for the sun to bleach your bones and Eaters of the Dead to feast upon your flesh."
Ublaz backed away smiling, a plan forming inside his evil brain. "Night Hunters, eh? How would you like to work for me putting down the rebellion of corsairs?"
"We will do it as long as we get shelter and food," Daryn replied coolly.
"Very well then," Ublaz smiled. "Firetooth, take our newcomers to the Freebooter, kill the captains, and see how our guests would do against the corsairs."
"Yes, your majesty," Firetooth bowed and did as he was told.
The Trident rats slaughtered the captains, bringing down the Corsairs down from the hills in a swarm.
"Trident Rats! Night Hunters!" Firetooth roared. "Take to the opening in the cliffs!"
Ublaz had dispatched an army of no more than a hundred against the corsair thousands. Firetooth was wise, and he lead all of them to a place where the army could easily kill many of the corsairs.
"They will all funnel into the opening and then we can hold them back!" Firetooth yelled to Daryn.
Daryn nodded. He signaled the Night Hunters to do as they were told. "Let us take the first wave, Lord Firetooth!"
"Bull's head Formation!" Daryn roared to his Night Hunters. They held the shield out protecting their torso and left the spears peaking over the tops.
"Give them nothing, but take from them everything!" Daryn roared.
The corsairs smashed into the shields of the Night Hunters like two bulls locking horns.
Suddenly, the Night Hunters smited the enemy back and easily destroyed the first wave of enemies.
"Retreat corsairs!" the corsair leader, a tall fox, roared.
Daryn smiled. He knew that the fox was realizing the superior disciplined fighting skills of the Night Hunters to the disorganized rabble of Corsairs.
Firetooth smiled with approval. "You are truly great warriors. I have a proposition for you."

And so it continues

*some quotes are from 300 where Leonidas says the "give them nothing but take from them everything!"

After the battle, a lone ship approached the docks. A single masted schooner, it was amazing that it had gotten across the wild sea. A black sail hung from the mast, decorated by stars. Firetooth signaled to the night hunters.
"Bring the owner of that ship to me. He shall pay for the insolence he shows, sailing into the harbor with his flag still flying. He must know that all flags must be taken down to the might of emperor Ulblaz." Lord Daryn frowned.
"Perhaps he will resist. We might be forced to take desperate measures." Firetooth walked back to the throne room.
"It might be necessary."

The night hunters strode toward the docks, weapons bristling from hands, tails, and between teeth. A they neared the dock; they noticed a fire was burning on the ship. What was strange was that it was pure white, then green, then a red hot yellow. A figure was standing next to the fire, throwing handfuls of dust onto it. Daryn blinked. Then he regained his composure and marched up to the end of the dock.
"His majesty, the mighty Emperor Ublaz, requests an audience with you."
The figure turned, and the night hunters gave a gasp. The fox was snow white, with flecks of black hair all around his body. He was not old, and he looked sturdy enough to hold a ship on course. His only garments were a black tunic and a hooded cloak. He jumped off the ship, landing on two feet on the dock. He started walking toward the fortress. The night hunters caught up with him. Daryn barred his way with a spear.
"You had better not be running away. You wouldn't get far; the corsairs in the hills would pick the meat of your bones."
The strange fox looked Daryn in the eye. They were a deep brown, but as Daryn stared into them, he felt them change. They swirled around, tuning green, yellow, and blue, like the colors of the fire. Daryn felt himself drop the spear, and then it was over. The white fox turned away and started walking again. Daryn shook himself, and then seeing the look on the rest of the night hunters, barked out.
"Huh, he wasn't worth the trouble."

Firetooth saw the fox enter the courtyard and called the guards. Daryn whispered to Firetooth, and after a moment, beckoned them toward the throne room door. Ulblaz sat on his throne, drinking from a goblet made of a rat skull covered in gold. He looked up at the footsteps, and seeing the newcomer, beckoned a servant to take the drink.
"So, we have received many newcomers this season. First the night hunters, and now you. What can you offer me?"
The fox blinked. Then he spoke in a voice as gentle as silk, but as hard as steel.
"I am a seer."
Ulblaz chuckled.
"I do not believe in such foolishness. There is no such thing as a seer. But come, enlighten me, what is your name?"
The fox spoke one one word.
"Well, Orion, perhaps you would be better put tending to the fish at the bottom of the sea. Guards! Take him away!"
An eager guard rushed at Orion, but before he got there, Orion flicked his finger toward the guard's throat, and the guard lay motionless on the floor.
Orion looked at Ulblaz.
"I would reconsider."
Ulblaz covered his surprise with a laugh.
"Very well, Orion. You are now part of my army." I hope you serve me well."
Orion smiled back, and that smile told it all.
"As do I."

The large, nameless ship sailed unnoticed into the dark harbor. The waves made no sound as they washed over the hull. If anyone were around to watch, they would have seen the crew roving silently around the decks. The ship pulled right up to the beach and stuck into the sand. The ship's Captain was a large, black furred fox in a long, flowing black robe. His overly large fangs glistened in the moonlight.With the wave of one paw; he motioned for his bodyguards to join him. Then, he jumped over the edge of the boat, landing in the sand with hardly a sound. His two bodyguards followed him, trekking quickly across the sands.
When the trio arrived at the castle gate, they were stopped by the Trident Guard. "Who are ye?" the bolder of the two said. The Captain just grinned at them, exposing his long canines. The two rats began to tremble. There was something about the fox that made them uncomfortable. The Bodyguards snickered at the rat's discomfort. The Captain silenced them with a raise of his paw. He then turned his attention back to the rats. "I demand to be let in to this castle." The smaller Trident guard shook his head. "Sorry. No one is allowed in unless they work for the---"he was suddenly cut off as the Captain leapt at him. His shriek was cut off as the fangs of the black fox sunk deep into his neck. The other guard tried to run but the one of the Bodyguards got him. As soon as the rat's body was drained of blood, the Captain let it drop to the ground. He waited patiently as his guard finished off the other one then, proceeded to enter the castle.

Once inside the main gate, they were surrounded by Night Hunters. The Night Hunters gave a cry of shock as an invisible force pushed them away from the Captain and his Guards. Try as they might, the Night Hunters could not get anywhere near the Fox. They could only stand in stunned silence as the trio stalked silently into the main hall of the castle.

Word had somehow spread of the mysterious Black Fox making his way towards Emperor Ublaz's private Quarters so The Emperor, Firetooth and Daryn were prepared when the three strangers made their way into the room.
The Emperor looked over the three figures, sizing them up if it were to become a fight. The other Fox stared back menacingly into Ublaz's eyes. The Emperor cleared his throat to speak. "Well, isn't this nice. More Newcomers. There has been so many this season. And yet, you are perhaps the strangest of all. Coming here out of nowhere, keeping My Trident rats away from you with some form of Magic." The Emperors eyes sparkled with a sort of longing, like he desired what this stranger could do. "Tell me, what your name is and what services you could offer." The Fox stared into Ublaz's eyes, showing no fear at the emperor. When the fox did speak, his voice was soft and smooth. "I am Krowdon. I hail from Volterra Italy, and was a valued member of the Volturi, but I am no longer part of that life. I have set out on my own and wish to offer my services to you. For a price." He grinned at Ublaz. "And what is that price?" The Emperor Prompted. Krowdon motioned at the two guards behind him. "My crew and I, we are different than your people. We do not eat. We do not sleep. We do not age. And I will tell you why this is. You see, each member in my crew, we are the Immortal. Blood Suckers. Cold ones. But many people would call us Vampires." Ublaz's face fell a little at this comment but nodded for Krowdon to continue. "So all I, and my crew, demand is blood. If you can supply this, we will willingly offer you our services." Ublaz seemed to ponder this a moment. "Fair enough. How many people do you have serving under you?" Krowdon thought a moment. "About fifty. It's a small amount compared to what I had in Volterra." Ublaz nodded. "Very well. Your men may come ashore and take up quarters here. But remember, cross me and I will slay you. Krowdon nodded and swept out of the room.

Krowdon was in his quarters, when a light filled the room. A fox was suddenly next to him. They faced each other, polar opposites. Orion spoke first.
"You should not have come. I drove you out of Volterra, and I will drive you from here."
Krowdon grinned, showing his over sized canines.
"I chose to leave. And now I will suck you dry. The emperor will fall, and I will claim this island for my own. Not even the night hunters shall stop me. You speak of driving me out? I was the one who betrayed them to Brooks!"
Orion smiled back, but it was not a smile of evil.
"This banter must stop. You know one of us will not leave this island. I have seen it in the stars."
Krowdon scoffed.
"You and the stars. Even your name betrays you weakness!"
Orion swirled his cloak away from his body, revealing a long, thin, sword with pearls set in the hilt. Krowdon in turn grabbed a double-bladed axe from the fire side.
"This ends here!"

Krowdon tensed to swing at Orion but the white fox sensed his intentions and materialized behind Krowdon. Krowdon swore loudly. He had forgotten his opponents advantage. Orion Slashed at Krowdons back with his sword, but the steel had no effect against the hard skin of a vampire. Krowdon laughed at Orions attempt to hurt him. He spun around and looked Orion in the eyes. "Your weapon has no effect against a Vampire. There are few ways to kill us. Go figure it out." Krowdon walked swiftly out of the room, Leaving Orion in shock.