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Messages - CobyCopper

Development / Re: Shadow's Big Suggestion List
July 31, 2008, 01:02:53 PM
How about balancing races based on weakpoints? Reduce the weaknesses--so Wolf and Marten have a +0% training bonus, rat and lizard have a +0% leadership bonus, and then balance Painted One to include 2-3 weaker spells that are versions of others--such as a half-powered Academy, that extra-lottery-tickets spell, and Frenzy. Make Painted One a true any-strat race, but make those strats less potent and give the advantage of complete flexibility. There's no doubt--there are race-specific strats that well outdo basic strats. That's something that should happen--but I think there should be more advanced strats as well.

Other than that, I do think it should take a leader to wreck another leader's ratios. For indiers, I'd say include a troop-espionage attack and replace or augment a Standard attack with counting as 0.50 attacks while still removing 6-8% health. Doing some special attacks like that, it draws twice the health and you HAVE to have a larger army to take advantage of it. Perhaps if a person's ratio is >250 they should have 2-3 more attacks automatically available, so that they don't just sit maxed with a great ratio and be invulnerable.
Development / Re: Shadow's Big Suggestion List
July 31, 2008, 11:21:22 AM
I was more or less protecting them from people with high-NW. By having a first-run leader able to take down an emp I think is unbalanced. Maybe as an alternative, when someone suicides, it divides NWs so the higher loses less leaders. Or base it on attack/defense ratios--so you can't have an indy with 500 huts keep destroying to stay >50 ratio, and decimate someone with 50,000 full huts. I think the leader-suicides are also too powerful--but maybe include a troop-based espionage such as "Standoff" where there's a 50% chance that the enemy attacks. No land taken but a way to get an idea on how to attack, so the only opaque people are those with massive armies of troops and leaders. Something like you need 2x OP vs their DP to see in with troops instead of leaders.
Development / Re: Shadow's Big Suggestion List
July 31, 2008, 09:57:31 AM
I think what Shadow was saying with the races is that some races used to be awesome--you had flexibility and could effectively change general strat one day, and the next change to another. They could do anything, effectively.

I was thinking for leaders, do a sliding scale based on attacker and defender NW. If an attacker has $100m NW and defender has $1b, the attacker can do 10% the damage normally dealt or something to that extent. Ensure that they can be hit, but it's not going to be a first-or-second-run account that takes down an emperor--it's a number of accounts that have been around for a while that does that.
Development / Re: Shadow's Big Suggestion List
July 30, 2008, 11:04:55 PM
For wildcat, I'd say look at 20% or just double or triple all multipliers. In older codes Wildcat was potent--flexible and able to solo incredibly well, and one aspect of it was magnified in team or partner play, at the expense of that flexibility.
Bugs / Re: fudged up city dialogue
July 30, 2008, 10:56:15 PM
Quote from: Wolf Snare on July 30, 2008, 10:53:20 PM
citys don't cost money. might want to add that to the list?
Interesting. Another thing I haven't noticed, having built so few cities. They do cost money to destroy though--I think. I didn't spend any but it refused to let me demo one without that money.
Bugs / Re: fudged up city dialogue
July 30, 2008, 05:17:13 AM
Ok. Despite always having so many cities, I've never received the bug. Oh well--it improved me in a few ways more than it hurt me. And they cost about $2b to demo, but won't be destroyed in revolts. Sky-high costs but other major benefits for Stoats.
Bugs / Re: fudged up city dialogue
July 29, 2008, 10:03:15 PM
Quote from: Shadow on July 29, 2008, 09:53:49 PM
I think he probably just demoed them after he got them
Likely, but that would have cost a lot. Then again, they're safer trying to become emperor that way.
Bugs / Re: fudged up city dialogue
July 29, 2008, 09:25:26 PM
Quote from: wolf bite on July 29, 2008, 09:15:55 PM
I have written the attacker and asked if he got the cites, there were 18 attacks after all and 18 cities gone. I could see him getting the cities and taking them down for the land.

There is a bug, but until I find if he got them then we don't know if it is a reporting bug (you don't get them back) or a operational bug where the cities vanished (you get the cities back).

Either way, it will be reported to sheal to fix after we know what happened.

Wolf Bite
I see that, so either it's a few serious readout errors or it is a bug where they disappeared plus some readout errors--and in taking about 16 of those 18 cities I had, they all disappeared. If they happened to simply disappear, City #1 through City #18 would be fine.  ;)

Oh yeah, and that's Shael...
Bugs / fudged up city dialogue
July 29, 2008, 08:45:52 PM
Well I don't know precisely what happened, but I lost all 18 of my Reg cities and it never displayed a dialogue of losing the land orcities. I had a number of failures from #288 preceeding it and then checked (18 cities cost a HELL of a lot of money to destroy) where they went. I don't have them, he doesn't have them either.

Quote3 hours ago     You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attempting to view your army!
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 821 Acres of Land and destroyed:
32,093 Rats
241,768 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
64,105 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 503 Acres of Land and destroyed:
23,114 Rats
232,096 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
37,868 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1447 Acres of Land and destroyed:
803 Rats
55,703 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
9,166 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 291 Acres of Land and destroyed:
16 Rats
165,438 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
994 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 960 Acres of Land and destroyed:
106,984 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
1 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 72 Acres of Land and destroyed:
104,844 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 2027 Acres of Land and destroyed:
102,748 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1623 Acres of Land and destroyed:
50,346 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 909 Acres of Land and destroyed:
199,372 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats
3 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 467 Acres of Land and destroyed:
143,547 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
1 Rats
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
46,414 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
45,950 Leaders
18,681 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
45,490 Leaders
18,494 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
45,036 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
89,170 Leaders
18,309 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
87,387 Leaders
18,126 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
17,945 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
42,820 Leaders
17,766 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
42,391 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
41,968 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
83,096 Leaders
17,588 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
3 hours ago    You find Obscurum in Oriens (#288) failing to capture one of your cities.    In the battle, you lost:
0 Leaders
0 Workers
2.1 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1043 Acres of Land and destroyed:
162,864 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
4 Rats
2.1 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1105 Acres of Land and destroyed:
39,088 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats
2.1 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 40 Acres of Land and destroyed:
38,697 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
2.1 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1327 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2.1 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 767 Acres of Land and destroyed:
38,310 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
3 Rats
2.1 hours ago    Obscurum in Oriens (#288) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 978 Acres of Land and destroyed:
113,781 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
3 Rats

Two things to say...

1) Glitch much?
2) Can I get 18 cities back since they disappeared?
General Discussion / Re: A Temporary Goodbye
July 28, 2008, 08:31:17 PM
Well now... he was buried today. I was pallbearer with my cousins and Debi's boys. 6 of us total of course. It was all I could do not to sob hysterically during the viewing and when he was on the grave. Following that was a typical luncheon with our family's style--Take-A-Boost and Grandma's signature banana cake. I knew my relatives rather easily by who drank take-a-boast and who loved banana cake. I love both, though of my 2 present cousins one likes the drink and the other likes banana cake. Other than that, went out with my eldest cousin and his wife and his middle brother and his girlfriend to see The Dark Night up in Atlantic City. Interesting movie and has helped keep my mind off of what's happened to bring me here. I leave this coming weekend. I was able to signup for turbo as well.
General Discussion / Re: A Temporary Goodbye
July 26, 2008, 09:03:14 PM
He died around 4:10 on Friday morning. I missed seeing him by 5 hours, and missed his body leaving the house by half an hour. I'm staying with my grandma until Friday. I took my laptop with me as well, so I will likely be on (unsecured) (borrowed) (less-than-legal) (wireless) internet maybe once a day. Some other things I deal with as well... but no worries and I'll be back within a week from now. South Jersey is doing alright and I'm in better for dealing with the loss. The last time I was able to see my grandpa was about a year ago--I missed him so narrowly, though I'll be in attendance and as a pall bearer for the entire funeral. He was a tome of secrets to myself, in ways to his wife, his two sons, and his grandchildren.
General Discussion / A Temporary Goodbye
July 24, 2008, 08:18:28 PM
My grandpa's on his death bed. I'm going to see him. I'll be back whenever. Till then, aidos.

Mods/Admins: Move if necessary--I don't know where it belongs and at this moment I don't care.
Bugs / Re: Yet another aid bug!!!
July 24, 2008, 02:15:55 PM
The entire round I've been sending away Lizards. They've not been arriving?!?
Reg Discussion / Re: I'm Soooo Happy!
July 24, 2008, 02:13:36 PM
Quote from: The Obliterator on July 24, 2008, 01:56:05 AM
this entire topic has been all you guys tell wrath to get a better defence when the fact is he was indying,had done nothing to deserve it,was not locking land.
He has not replied in the last 3 days so why you keep this up amazes me
I'll lock it now--just because nothing more'll come out of it. And I decided I don't want another emperor on Regular, so I'll do my best to take down clans that target that goal. Wrath was begging to be taken down--two people in the Top 3, both lack shields, and both clanned. Effectively easy take-down. Yeah, they did nothing specific to deserve it, but of course they did nothing to prevent it.

Oh and the other main reason I made this topic? Because Alazar quite often said that if you don't raise your defenses you're asking for the damage... ;)
Reg Discussion / Re: I'm Soooo Happy!
July 22, 2008, 03:08:11 PM
Quote from: Sharptooh on July 22, 2008, 03:01:59 PM
  68k leaders protecting 10 bil cash and how many skiffs? that was just like unlocking the gate to a lot of money free. Oh well, it should get exciting now that alazar and his team will put up defences.
  Seriously I'd like to see which way this goes.
$111b cash and nearly no leaders, like 128m skiffs...

Yeah--please Alazar & Wrath, remember your defenses! You make it too easy to take you down--so if you try next time to crown an emperor, have your work protected from conception--it's useless if you can't protect it.