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Messages - Nith Batoxx

Role-Play / The dawn
May 24, 2004, 10:14:52 PM
 The sun was staining the Eastern sky pink as the first group of Sabbats hand-picked ferret scouts crested the hill overlooking... a city place ((I don't know any cities so it would be nifty if someone could tell me one, please?)).  The one in the lead, a black-armoured black-and-brown striped ferret wielding a wicked-looking dagger, turned to the others.  He was Sabbat.
"They are unprepared.  We can be in and out before these weaklings know what hit them." He hissed.  The others nodded silently, weapons bouncing in their sheaths.
Polling / Do you think we should have a theme?
May 24, 2004, 10:09:11 PM
 Why not... small furry animals?  I mean, what could be cooler than a small furry animal?  Like a pink bunny (Ref. Holby-IT lesson).  Or a possum.  Personally I would go for rats... I had a pet one called Sprat and she chewed a hole in my school jacket!  Down with the School System!  Rodent for President-slash-Prime Minister (Since I'm Aussie)!

*Notices creeped-out stares*

I think that a well-educated, charismatic rodent could manage Australia better than Johnnie at this point.
General Discussion / Very profound
May 24, 2004, 10:01:56 PM
 Quite true... I had a fairly long reply but the ... window didn't work so I had to shut it down and go on again.

Mabye we shouldn't focus on beating everyone else in the rat race.  That's what I see as the overwhelming drive that tells people to make more cash and own more stuff than anyone else... :huh:  
General Discussion / Hello Everyone
May 24, 2004, 09:58:57 PM
 Possum's spelt with a 'u', y'know... and I prefer to think of my country as the land of pies and beer.... not that I drink beer yet...  bleaugh.  And pies are made of god knows what... mabye I should just think of my country as the land of... stuff.  And things (Thanks holby - sitting next to me again).

I hate Visual Basic.
General Discussion / Hello Everyone
May 24, 2004, 06:51:47 PM
 Wow... lots o' replies.  I'm not an old member.  I got to Holbys school.  In fact, when I posted this I was sitting next to him.  I?ve forgotten my login name for RWL? ....  Thanks for the warm welcome!

~Nith Batoxx
General Discussion / Hello Everyone
May 24, 2004, 12:04:43 AM
 Hiya y'all, the forums are cool and yeah... hmph.  All I wanted to say.

Hmm... I gunna lose! :ph34r:


~Nith Batoxx