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Messages - Fun For None

General Discussion / What do you think of Nohc!
May 06, 2004, 06:07:07 PM
 I don't like you.
General Discussion / New People Gallor
April 28, 2004, 09:08:30 PM
 Wolf Bite is not a lawyer.
General Discussion / SD Dead?!
April 18, 2004, 08:34:53 AM
 Stan do you know what the word "console" means?


Your most intelligent response yet.
General Discussion / Good the new Loren?
April 18, 2004, 08:33:27 AM
 "maybe you need to stop being so transparent."


Once again, you look like a fool.

Try looking "transparent" up in a dictionary.

Your publications?

Try looking that up as well.

Once again, you look like a fool.

Stan (NM) everytime you post, you look worse and worse. In every one of your unintelligent retorts, (that's the word you were looking for, not "reports) you've used words completely wrong and given quotes that make absolutely no sense.

If you can respond to anything I've pointed out, I'll be amused.

Anyone reading this topic care to explain this sentence to me:

"You should take a break, then after a few hours look at what you've said, and after accusing me of not understanding my thoughts and publications you admit that you yourself can not comprehend what i have said. It doesn't work both ways. I dont know what you're saying, but you're wrong because i dont understand!"


That doesn't even qualify as English.
General Discussion / SD Dead?!
April 17, 2004, 09:08:38 PM
QuoteStan(NM) Posted on Apr 16 2004, 03:31 AM
A biased opinion from a fool's mouth has few consoles.  

Sh0e, that was the point I was making. I would have thought that most people would understand the sarcasm in the lines:

"An opinion has few consoles? Maybe in your case the "little" words work better."

Stan (NM) has no idea what he is posting, and each time he responds he looks more and more idiotic.

General Discussion / Good the new Loren?
April 17, 2004, 09:00:28 PM
 "straight up ignorance."

Stan is now officially 4/4. You really need to improve your vocabulary.

(if you are at ALL comprehensive)

If we're comprehensive? When you post using words you don't understand, you appear less intelligent than you are in actuality. (If possible) At the very least look up your words in a dictionary, because right now everyone can see that your ignorant.

No one here knows what you're trying to say. Explain to me how people are comprehensive.

Is it ok that I borrowed your word?

Without your pretty parenthesis, your sentence reads.

"the context suggests that someone is telling others false statements which in hand compliments rumors the form of a report which in turn has a detrimental affect on the clan and it's people."

There are so many things wrong with that, I don't have the time to break it down for you. If anyone on this forum can read it, feel free to explain.

Detrimental does not mean "false." I appreciate the attempt, but once again you really don't understand what you are posting.

A fools heart is as a glutton's tongue.

Once again, a completely moronic quote from Stan. The two are completely unrelated, there's no deep meaning, and quite simply you look like/are a fool.

General Discussion / SD Dead?!
April 17, 2004, 08:49:58 AM
 "A biased opinion from a fool's mouth has few consoles."

Note: See previous post.

An opinion has few consoles?

Maybe in your case the "little" words work better.

You could be right Austin. However, I know quite a few people who found it amusing. I'll take "quick" and "efficient" as a compliment though.
General Discussion / how to get on RWL
April 17, 2004, 08:42:54 AM
 "if you're too ignorant to realize this..."
"Blatant ignorance.."
"my solace is found with your ignorance."

Seriously you need a new word Stan.

I find something odd about the assumptions you just made.
1. You assumed I was "trying to insult" fun for none.
2. You assumed I will cower when you outright attack me.
3. You assumed that you're allowed to do whatever you want because you have an admin title?
4. You assumed that you knew what teuful was talking about.

1. You were attempting to insult me, however your present intellectual capacity prevented you from doing so effectively.
2. Obviously you won't cower, you'll be an idiot and continue spewing idiocy.
3. She can and will do whatever she wants because she is an Admin.
4. She did know what Teufel was talking about.

"Here is what I want to say to you:"

Is that needed? I personally think most of us can assume that since you're posting, there's something you wish to say to someone.

You will have no respect for me due to your lack of sincerity and depth of loyalty to your administrative duty. You can not expect to retain such a social status and play as the insulter shael and the unjust admin shael at the same time. You feel that you can ignore logic and blurt out your own little laws here and there. I have an assumption that life will hit you pretty hard, once you stop revelling in "la-la" land.
Best of luck with success and promptness in your life.

Her lack of depth of loyalty?

Someone needs to go back to 7th grade and pay more attention this time through. "Insulter" is not only archaic, but I have yet to see Shael insult anyone.

Best of luck with success and "promptness" in your life?

If I could understand that sentence, I'd comment. You're wishing her luck with promptness in life?

Idea - Stan(NM) buys a better dictionary and repeats English a few times.

"Dont want to argue with mods. Sorry for the misinterpretation of a hostile relationship Shael."


You called her an unjust "insulter." You stated that life would hit her hard. You stated that she didn't show loyalty to her duties. You stated that you didn't respect her.

Have some backbone.
General Discussion / Good the new Loren?
April 17, 2004, 08:25:20 AM
 "I'm a jerk becuase I pointed out you making a mistake?
How do children learn?
How do you learn?
Think before you open your mouth?"

Stan, for someone who cannot write a coherent sentence you're in no position to tell someone to "think before (opening) your mouth." Perhaps if you thought before opening your mouth, something resembling intelligence would be evident in your posts.

Unfortunately, its not.

Children learn in a variety of ways. Apparently, you don't learn quite as quickly as some.

Libel is in fact the better definition.

General Discussion / how to get on RWL
April 15, 2004, 09:51:31 PM

He used it again. Astonishing. Amazing. Incredible.

Apparantely "ignorance" is the largest word in Stan's immense vocabulary. He does use it in every post.

You suggest I tend to "Blatant ignorance and stupidity is too apparent in your posts?"

I advise you to go back to doing your grammar homework. Or at least try to type a coherent sentence.

"Stop trying to live in a fantasy world, or reality will kill you."

Now where you got that comment from- I bet you were proud of that quote.
General Discussion / SD Dead?!
April 15, 2004, 09:46:03 PM
 "The light blocking your view of reality?"

A short comment made by Stan intended to be biting and meaningful.

Unfortunately, he fell short once again.

My comment was intelligent and humorous. May someone have mercy upon yours.  
General Discussion / Good the new Loren?
April 15, 2004, 09:41:39 PM
 I'm very sorry. For some reason I had thought to discern the meaning of your posts from the words you posted.

Apparently that's not how things are done around here.

He may be the tallest midget in the circus, but most definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Edit: Devari hath seen the light.
General Discussion / SD Dead?!
April 15, 2004, 09:04:49 PM
 As does your supreme intellect.
General Discussion / Good the new Loren?
April 15, 2004, 09:03:49 PM
 "Please dont talk about things you know nothing of, slandering my clan with such pittances."

Either I'm mistaken, or you need to go ahead and look up "pittance" again. I appreciate the attempt to appear to be intelligent- compared to some perhaps you are- but I don't believe anyone is slandering you "with such pittances."

A God among RWL men?

The tallest midget in the circus.
General Discussion / how to get on RWL
April 15, 2004, 08:59:53 PM

An effective school filter would be helpful. However the point being illustrated is a game about Furry Mice with Swords is blocked and people would like to be able to access it. So unless you have anything intelligent to say...

Thank you.