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Messages - Wapekip

Polling / Favorite Food
June 27, 2003, 11:39:02 PM
Quote from: pokeymannsI like beans.  Cheese is yucky.  >Kills all of the cheese<
What never!  You mean this:
QuoteI like beans.  Cheese is way better though and so good.  **Hugs all of the cheese and plays with the cheese.**
Right Pokeymanns (even though I know you are Julie) and you use these ** symbols to make movement.   If you do not repent your evil ways, us of the RWL will be forced to stone you and then attack you chains.
News / Updates / Custom Title Bestowed
June 27, 2003, 11:33:30 PM
 I used to hate you, but not right now.  I hate Kenny Boy way more and I want to kill him ten billion times.
General Discussion / MAC!
June 27, 2003, 02:39:42 PM
 **Steals back his laptop and smacks Brock on the head.** Be careful with it, you could have broken it!  **Continues hitting Brock until he cries.**  My laptop uses Windows 98 too.
 Maybe we should tie him up, put him in a 10mX10m cage so he can't escape.  We also take all his skittles and put them in a trap so if Beem did get out of the cage, he would fall into the trap and be forced to stay on the forums.
General Discussion / Rps
June 27, 2003, 02:26:10 PM
 I've noticed that girls don't usually join in the rp's when they could be great.  I've also noticed that not many people in general are joining the role plays.  Come on people, you should join them, if enough people join then it can be really fun and I think that some of you who have never tried would be really good.
Spa Room 101 / My accounts
June 27, 2003, 01:21:44 PM
 No, you are Almkman.
Role-Play / OSU vs. Michigan
June 27, 2003, 12:01:26 PM
Polling / For or against
June 27, 2003, 11:12:02 AM
 Never thought ferrets could dance.  Weasels are better than ferrets anyway, look at my avatar.
Polling / What do you think of Pikepaw
June 27, 2003, 11:08:01 AM
 No I was waiting till you were off guard! MMWWHHAHAHAHAAAA!  **Has Almkman beaten with sticks, clubs, swords and diamond tipped whips while being stabbed with spears and swords and slashed by axes.**  TELL US WHY SAID OTHER!  SPEAK!
Yeah, somebody said I was really cool!  I didn't do that, I said I want to serve him.
General Discussion / Nicknames
June 27, 2003, 11:02:07 AM
 What is my other self Pikepaws' other nicknames.  You call me any name you would call Pikepaw because I am Pikepaw.
General Discussion / Girls are evil
June 27, 2003, 11:00:06 AM
 I said most girls are evil (mainly my three sisters and my youngest sisters' friends, all of my sisters are older than me) some girls are not evil.  You couldn't do that chart for me, because I don't cost money and don't date and I usually don't cost time and time does not equal money.  You need to redo the whole aquassion over again.
Spa Room 101 / Make-fun-of-other-people-post
June 27, 2003, 10:29:06 AM
 Can somebody make me breakfast because I am not smart enough to make it.  Never mind, I got a plain waffle.  OW, hot! **eats waffle.**
Spa Room 101 / My accounts
June 27, 2003, 10:26:02 AM
 I am Pikepaw.
General Discussion / Girls are evil
June 26, 2003, 11:04:35 PM
 I said most girls are evil.  Some girls are not evil, like Shael, Julie, Teufel and Ashrya (although she might need a nice quiet room sometimes) and Shael for one would make a great mod.
General Discussion / Girls are evil
June 26, 2003, 10:58:04 PM
 NO!  It is the love of money is the root of all evil.  But most girls are evil, the answer is right Cheeeeesy, your theory of how you got there is wrong.