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Messages - Mhera

Polling / Whos better?
June 07, 2003, 09:27:36 PM
Quote from: Dixie Rose
Quote from: MenatusLuigi, because my favorite actor played him in the Super Mario Brothers movie. Mario's awesome, too.

Me, I'm stuck.
There was a moie?  

There was a movie on disney channel.  Probably one of their movies that they make once a month that they show over and over again.
June 07, 2003, 09:22:50 PM
 Cheese gives me gas...

The only good cheese is Asiago cheese.  Yum.
General Discussion / It's kind of sad...
June 06, 2003, 09:01:54 PM
 Maybe we could message every person in the game that isn't on the forums and ask them to come on.  Then we could start advertising it more on other sites.  Of course my first idea would take forever but hey, now that school is out for some people we could probably take some time to do something like that.
General Discussion / Harry Potter
June 06, 2003, 08:57:28 PM
Quote from: NarfelYou know thats a good question... You would think that they might elect Harry to do it
Yeah but what about the rest of the team?  A lot of them were 7th years in the 4th book.
Polling / Looney Tunes
June 06, 2003, 08:54:31 PM
 I vote for the bulldog that always beats up Sylvester because dogs are the best animal aside from otters.
Polling / Series vs. Series
June 06, 2003, 08:51:51 PM
 Redwall... definately Redwall.  Do you want to know why Redwall is better?  Umm... well I'm not going to tell you, it just is.
Polling / Favorite Author
June 06, 2003, 01:53:11 PM
 Here's my list of top four favorite book series authors:

1. Brian Jacques
2. J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Philip Pulman (Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass.)
4. JK Rowling

I voted Brian Jacques because he's number 1.
General Discussion / Holidays
June 05, 2003, 09:33:02 PM
 I'm going on a cruise down to Mexico.  Other than that I'm going to go camping a couple times and then play video games the rest of the time.  Yes, I know I'm lazy.  I'll go biking a little too.
General Discussion / Harry Potter
June 05, 2003, 09:09:38 PM
 Finally!  People that realize that the third one was the best!  I've pre-ordered the fifth too, as many of you seem to have already.  Actually my mom pre-ordered it.  It's been so long since I've read a new one that I don't think they're quite as good anymore.  The movies are good the first time but they get boring after a while and if you've read the books you already know what's going to happen.
Polling / Gender Poll Revisited...please vote
June 05, 2003, 08:18:37 PM
 31-10.  I just voted and I'm a girl.
 My favorite was LOTR II.  I heard that the third one won't have the scouring of the shire though :angry: .  That was one of the best parts of the book!