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Messages - IrishMafia

Turbo Discussion / Trubo, not so boring now
June 10, 2003, 08:25:29 PM
 Hey i did not declare war on you.. i was not aware that when i attack you 5 times its declaring war

Ok mister war hero first off, i recall someone being VERY ticked after a few attacks... if that was no harm and you freaked out that badly with all your swearing and cursing... I would like to see someone actually harm you... i can just imagine the show...  :D LOL :D

Oh and yes i cant take much credit i mean... I really didnt do much, and you exploded, no wolf bite your right ... You should get all the credit... You suicidal rabid illtempered phyco... So bath in your glory of murdereing yourslef and have some fun... Like im doing
 OH... YES!!!! very much so, Its lots of fun... Thanks for asking Peace
Turbo Discussion / Trubo, not so boring now
June 10, 2003, 06:35:28 PM
 Hey hey

Wolfy's GONE...

I told him that temper of his was bad... and now after he wasted everything he worked so hard for... The only thing left is to delete his PITIFUL little account...

Well so long wolfy and happy trails... We all knew it would happen the question was when...   And who would do him in.... ME  :snicker: *bows and bows at the applauding crowd*  :snicker:     Man i love this game

Too bad the hunter came for you wolf or you still may be alive... Well thats the surprises of this game. :lol:  :lol:
Turbo Discussion / Trubo, not so boring now
June 09, 2003, 04:17:59 PM
 OK lets look at some facts why would Peace send me aid?   So i can kill you, his ally i dont think so.

Oh and i  cant believe you can spell enemy.. sound it out... its not en-a-my... its enemy
Turbo Discussion / Trubo, not so boring now
June 09, 2003, 03:47:08 PM
 HEHEHE    Hey im a FOOL... Dum de dum...

Oh and SCREW YOU Peace Alliance.  Mercenary did great to break ya mabey if you were a little smarter and kept you defense up more it wouldnt happen so much.  Leave him alone, just because your mad.  Doesn't you signature say to Respect your enemies?...  

Man you and wolf bite have quite the tempers.
Polling / Insane
May 31, 2003, 06:13:41 PM
QuoteNo, actually. Of Irish descent.

Go Irish people.  They are quite insane but in a great sorta way. :D  
Turbo Discussion / Turbo getting boring,
May 30, 2003, 07:52:30 PM

That's an intersting idea.  I'd join but I have a feeling not many would be up for that.

You should take a vote about it though and see what all the turbo guys think.
Turbo Discussion / Time for round 4
May 29, 2003, 07:00:48 PM
 Man we already knew that how many times are you going to say it,   ;)  Sheeeeesh :blink:

I think we have heard enough of you RazorClaw for at least the whole season. <_<
Now anyone else??
Turbo Discussion / Time for round 4
May 28, 2003, 06:17:28 PM
 I am Athletic Squirrel (#12) and i would like to find out who Super Panda is.  I want an explaniation for this copied type name.   :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  
General Discussion / RazorClaw/Me/Peace
May 27, 2003, 07:16:46 PM
 Man the best way i see to solve it, would be for razor to take the challenge cause then he will get his butt kicked so bad he wont want to play anymore.  And that would be the end of this annoyence.  :D  :D

You brought this on yourself I've read the whole thing and you are the one that freaked.
General Discussion / RazorClaw/Me/Peace
May 27, 2003, 07:04:54 PM
 Peace Alliance is WAY better then you RazerClaw. I played in the first era too, and you've always sucked. You should accept his challange just so your can get you but kicked!
 You moron my name is capitalized in the game check again, stupid.  You Deltas are all alike never think before you talk.
 [edit, this is not what I want to see]

Anyway we all know what is going to happen to them.

[Edit, read the rules]
 I am Rabid Fish (75)
Turbo Discussion / Not just pocket change
May 17, 2003, 08:50:39 AM
 Man, that is low.   :angry:
Also I know for a fact that there is no finals.  If he said that he had finals then he lied.

:snicker: Let The Games Begin :snicker: