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Messages - CobyCopper

The GOP Party (ODD) / Re: Republican or Democrat?
September 05, 2008, 05:46:14 PM
GOP = Grand Old Party. The Republican Party is the GOP in the USA.
General Discussion / Re: Cuil
September 04, 2008, 07:19:31 PM
The pages number is greatly exaggerated--especially compared to say Google. I heard about it when it came out, and then again a few days later at a forum. What google finds, cuil has no clue about.
General Discussion / Re: Google Chrome
September 04, 2008, 01:55:57 PM
I'll stick to Firefox. I have enough with just using Google and Gmail.
General Discussion / Re: Hello
September 01, 2008, 03:10:48 PM
Quote from: Hells Militia on August 31, 2008, 05:14:07 PM
Quote from: CobyCopper on August 28, 2008, 08:42:37 PM
I'd hate to have Wrath crush Militia without reason.

Why whould they do that?
I am neither in nor will participate in the Armada. And they could if Thomas Kreisman started a war. If you want to know more, feel free to PM me on regular. I'll explain it there.
News / Updates / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!!
August 31, 2008, 04:23:40 PM
Congrats all.

Btw... when's the code release? I've been looking forward to getting the new codebase.
Strategy / Re: indy
August 31, 2008, 08:58:30 AM
Quote from: Firetooth on August 31, 2008, 03:19:33 AM
I always put training 100% skiffs as they take near to no food and are worth the most. Several people last round had all 4 and couldnt run because they were losing too much food.
Well, thats best for net anyway, if you're trying to lock, stock food first! Building foragers is a waste of net NEVER DO IT.
No, not quite. But you are right that it's typically a waste. If there's no stock of food on the market in the first place, oftentimes there's not enough food on mercenaries either to feed skiffs adequately.
News / Updates / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!!
August 30, 2008, 07:48:08 PM

So Hidden Fox code is ready for release (finally).
General Discussion / Re: Hello
August 29, 2008, 02:51:18 PM
There's few other ways I could describe you. Snot-nosed brat may be more accurate--sorry I was being nice. Anyways--when you finally get to college (I feel sorry for your future professors already), you'll have to learn some respect and maybe use some logic--something I've not seen you proficient at.
General Discussion / Re: Hello
August 29, 2008, 01:59:52 PM
I'd beat you twelve ways to Sunday, Firetooth. I'd duel you, but I won't have the time. You see--I have this place to go to called college. Maybe next year, kiddo... I won't know when I'm free. I'm even skeptical about Reg. After all, it's Miami.
Polling / Re: School
August 28, 2008, 08:46:33 PM
First-year business student for me. I'll be going down in a few days.
General Discussion / Re: Hello
August 28, 2008, 08:42:37 PM
Quote from: thomaskreisman on August 28, 2008, 06:25:46 PM
Me and Firetooth where your teachers! Way to go stab us in the back, jerk! >:(
I've not seen your "skills" recently, and I know I'm not here as long as Firetooth, Sharptooth, and you. As many have found out--I far exceed Firetooth. Besides--I'm going to be out of the big action as I won't be playing turbo--so my activity will be nil on that server--leaving Militia his own path to alliances. Much like my other student, I'll offer partnership for rounds, but I do expect that they'll make their own alliances on their own. With me or against me, no hard feelings. As it is, I have been playing against Shadow in Reg, and he taught me a few advanced strats and taught me how to improvise strats more effectively. Oh well--I work with some people here, against them elsewhere. It's all part of the game.

As I said--no offense, but you're actually pretty involved with Armarda. I'd hate to have Wrath crush Militia without reason.
Turbo Discussion / Re: Turbo Round 14 Immortalization
August 28, 2008, 08:38:25 PM
Remove the "Most Leaders" section--it's irrelevant. Other than that, pretty good round. I finished in #5 out of luck I guess--I had a similar strat to Shadow, but I didn't have the luck to lock land as effectively. Oh well--I'd say decent indy-solo finish anyways.
General Discussion / Re: Hello
August 28, 2008, 04:37:05 PM
If you need help, advice, or a general teacher (with more experience than TomKreis (no offense) and Firetooth), message #472 on Regular. I'll be playing the slow game while I am in college--I won't be on turbo though I can still advise you on both games. Don't expect me to be terribly active, though I should be on once or twice a week on Reg. Otherwise, Shadow's a solid choice.
Development / Re: Fixing maxing
August 26, 2008, 05:19:58 PM
By extension, to make kills a bit more difficult (turn/attack wise, that is), reduce land gain by half when under 500 acres. If you place a 25 limit on attacks. By extension, count leader attacks as half a melee attack, and eliminate open ops.
Bugs / Re: Glaring errors: preparing for code release
August 26, 2008, 05:13:34 PM
Fix the "max" buttons all around. One of the facets of being unable to sell all is you have rounding setup incorrectly. The simple fix is to subtract one and count it as full--1 soldier maximum missing from a max-amount is hardly something to shed a tear about. The other fix I see is a check--that if a player uses Max, and it returns initially as too many, to have a second check subtract 1 from the number and resubmit that, then merge reports. Or do a check so that if you are sending away max, to include both at the same time in the sale--and have the error message for one not show, only when both agree that there is no way to sell such an amount.

For your city errors--these are what need to be checked.

1) Recent News (opening page list) for success/failure of attacks being read correctly. Before we had times where only a failing Take would make the list--and successes would disappear.
2) Warlord Info listings of the above, readout should be fixed to ensure it's "Take City: Success/Fail" and not "Move South: Success/1000 Acres".
3) Ensure it shows up on the recent attacks search pages for attacker and defender

Fix aid, so that first-aid sent is adhering properly to the 20% rule, instead of the 50% glitch. Furthermore, that refresh will continue to send 20% aid (instead of bugged where it continues to send 50%).