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Messages - Riverpaw

Strategy / Juska's True Rat Masser
December 05, 2004, 05:32:02 PM
Quote from: Wolf SnareWell, our clans were at war, and she started retaling for the captures I did earlier, and I had to hit her back.. eventually she was knocking me down to less than the day before, I had poisoned her in hopes of chasing her away, and in the end I sent her all of my skiffs. Now I killed meself and Nohc's going to wiiin!
She? Who do you mean?
General Discussion / Gah, it's getting annoying
December 05, 2004, 05:19:24 PM

*really confused*
Strategy / Juska's True Rat Masser
December 05, 2004, 02:45:57 PM
Quote from: JuskaCourse it's better to pure indy, but it's impossible to pure indy because this game has absolutely no pm movement. If you mean don't gt, well ya I guess your right not gting is a better way to go sometimes.

I don't understand acronyms too well.
Turbo Discussion / K+ - Kill One.
December 05, 2004, 12:52:39 PM
 Er... I missed something, didn't I? Last round, I hope.
 Are we allowed to ask to be added?
If so, please add me.
Grammar nightmare. Fwee!
General Discussion / The RWL Dictionary...
December 05, 2004, 12:19:31 PM
Quote from: Arguia ZsahNah, it's been Campaign for the last 6 months or so... though Ashy might have forgotten... :lol:

*runs before Ashy pokes self*
Ooh. I want to join.
(--someone-- told me it had died.)
General Discussion / The RWL Dictionary...
December 05, 2004, 10:33:11 AM
Quote from: Ashyra NightwingO.O It's not in my sig?

Er.. the Campaign that Forgot its Purpose but eats Cheese. ^.^
I was always told "Committee".
General Discussion / Game Balences
December 05, 2004, 10:27:46 AM
 I just want to use weasel for corsair again.
Polling / Attacking system: BAXX vs. DEX
June 20, 2004, 08:34:58 PM
 I only had a small bit of experience with DEX. It was enough to convince me that the expanision had a few things I didn't quite like. Sack and capture can annoy you, but can also be annoying to others. Drive and the reverse land losses were good for a laugh. I don't like the percents, though. The defender's percents are always more "even" than the attackers, so that a 100, 0, 0, 0 : Drive, Attack, Attack, Attack battle would err in favor of the attacker. Add that to the rat's 2:1 offensive ratio. Suddenly, nobody bothers to defend. Everyone simply "borrows" land and leader-loots. What happened to the value of land? What happened to the quantity of it? What happened to indy strategies?
Spa Room 101 / Get to 1337!!!
June 20, 2004, 08:30:05 PM
Turbo Discussion / Aid
June 20, 2004, 08:26:24 PM

Mixed coins as in what?
General Discussion / Happy Birthday, Julie!
June 20, 2004, 08:23:23 PM

Well, let's drag her back here and force her to forever be active.

Happy Birthday ::hats::  
Spa Room 101 / I need a blimp by Monday
June 19, 2004, 04:17:55 PM
 Monday? The past Monday? The day after tomorrow? I shall make you one.

*about half an hour later*

Price: 1,000,000 skiffs per day

You can borrow it for free.

It's Julie-esque art, all right. Please do not say too much negativity about my art skills.

EDIT: If it won't work, right click, click show image, and come back here and refresh.
Turbo Discussion / Summer Clansitter
June 17, 2004, 08:59:53 PM
Quote from: calriaOh, and for the accents, look in the character map, which is under Accessories. It takes a while to do that way, but I  have most of the shortcuts down already.
Spa Room 101 / Re: Last Word
June 17, 2004, 08:46:08 PM