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Messages - Aminrael

General Discussion / I See Dumb People
October 10, 2003, 10:24:31 PM
 Ah well. *pats* Hot fudge sundae?
Quote from: VeranorWatch, I got modded for once for horizontal scrolling in a post...

and it didn't even scroll on my screen. This however, definately does, so I'm not sure.
*delayed reaction*

On mine, I don't need to scroll horizontally. I guess it all just depends on your screen resolution. *shrugs*
News / Updates / The Official RWL Photo Album
October 10, 2003, 09:56:05 PM
 We shall have to congregate on either MSN or YIM and look at everyones webcams to celebrate Cal's new webcam. Shiny...
General Discussion / I See Dumb People
October 10, 2003, 09:36:40 PM
 So that you won't be tempted to eat the shiny DQ food. Run away, Cal! :ph34r:  
 *stares* Are you, uh, feeling OK?
News / Updates / The Official RWL Photo Album
October 10, 2003, 06:37:53 PM
 You should see Stormys webcam. He looks all Lovelyk and evil and sinister and such. I made a slideshow of random weird faces he made, but I don't remember the link.

[edits] YEEEEARG! Why doesn't this keep my edited post?
[second edit] It shouldn't say "he looks all lovelyk" I don't know where the "lovely" came from. I didn't type it, I promise. It's supposed to be "Lovelyk"
Or perhaps it's only my computer?
[third edit] He looks |)ark. There we go.
General Discussion / Julie's survey
October 10, 2003, 06:33:52 PM
 Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: Aminrael
Real Name: Ilse
Age: 15
Warlord Number: Dun have one.
Blood Type: Uhh....

Section two- Birthday

When were you born? April 10, 1988
Where were you born? Oakland, California
Why were you born? Because I could.
How old are you now? 15
How old were you then? 27.
How old will you be in a little while? ......16........
When is your Birthday? See above, eh?
When is not your Birthday?
October 10

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
Double Fudge Brownie
About how many books do you read in a month?
Right now, none
About how many books do you not read in a month?
What book is your favorite book?
Sabriel-Liriel-Abhorsen (Trilogy)
Why is it your favorite book?
Because it's well written, really original idea. Too bad it's not that popular.
Do you like Care Bears?
Ew. *twitch*
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you succeed? If not, why?
Yes. Then I woke up.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Move back to California. And drag Rachel along with me. :D
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
36747 divided by 56?
What is your favorite band?
Linkin Park
What is not your favorite [artist]?
Dave Matthews Band
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
Polling / Favorite MOD?
October 10, 2003, 06:13:38 PM
 Sounds good!

General Discussion / I See Dumb People
October 09, 2003, 10:02:54 PM
 That's McDonalds, TJ. "We love to see you smile" but Dairy Queen had this thing going on about "let us know if the cashier made you smile!"
General Discussion / Theme Song
October 09, 2003, 08:37:05 PM
 No, I'm saying my character, Aminrael, that I used for RPGing. Or perhaps my chara had a different name. *ponders*
General Discussion / Theme Song
October 09, 2003, 08:21:38 PM
 My theme song would be "Swing swing" by the All-American Rejects
Not sure about the theme song for Aminrael.
General Discussion / I See Dumb People
October 09, 2003, 08:14:37 PM
 Eheh. Sounds amusing. Reminds me of the time Deb and I started screaming at the ordering post outside of Wendys. *misty eyes* Ahh, the memories.

Julie, you should have told off the lady for telling you to get a life. I don't think "get a life" fits in with their policy of "We're here to serve you!"
Polling / Who loves me, baby? (and how much?)
October 05, 2003, 10:35:55 PM
 Eee. I don't know you...YET. *pats*

So, Foof. I hope "foof" doesn't have some hidden meaning like , "Go away!".  Hmm.
Polling / Favorite MOD?
October 05, 2003, 06:44:07 PM
 I know, when I voted, Julie had been un-modded, so it was really between Shael and Teufel, and like I said, I've never talked to Teufel before.
Polling / Favorite "Ad"min
October 03, 2003, 06:31:44 PM
 I voted for Boze. What?! He has candy...