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Topics - The Dark Warrior

General Discussion / Dead Eye= Dark warrior
October 05, 2003, 07:50:30 PM
 Wasn't a big deal because I hardly posted with this account. But I wanted to get to top 10 again without any enemies trying to hit me out of vacation. I actually could have tried harder pretending to be 2 people, but it annoyed me to reenter passwords. And I bet most realized it because of the cousin thing. Ah well, not a big deal. I would have tried going longer but in a chat room almkman figured it out. A chat room with 20 people. Whatever, doubt I fooled anyone.  
General Discussion / Just realized
October 02, 2003, 02:37:19 PM
 I was just thinking. If some one is ahead of you in turbo, and at same level as you in regular, they can threaten you in turbo. I think it is sort of cheap. I mean, one game conflicting to the next. If some one has to do this they have no backbone.
General Discussion / Rank 35
September 25, 2003, 04:05:29 PM
 The Legions of Loren (#543)
Turns 450 (max 450)
Turns Stored 16 (max 150)
Rank #35
Workers 60,976
Land Acres 5,488
Money $16,303,142
Food 1,301,105
Loyalty 500
Networth $5,996,763
 Location Southsward
Race Wolf
Health 100%
Tax Rate 10%
Rats 3,048,170
Weasels 14
Stoats 6
Skiffs 0
Leaders 0

I know I am a newbie dont dont quite understand this game yet. But isn't that a lot of rats for a rank 35?
General Discussion / Tips?
September 25, 2003, 02:28:48 PM
 Hello everyone. Even though I have been playing since Ereptor's era, I never really got into it until now. My ranks were ussally near the 100's. Now I am getting into it. My cousin is Dead Eye. He taught me a few months ago or whatever.

So anyways, I just made a clan, the RA. And right away Aus(or the Duke) sent me a message of tips and 1 billon dollars. Thanks a lot Aus! So I got tips from him. He is the one who told me to come to the forums. And when I saw how many posts my cousin had, I asked him to post about the RA because I bet he has a lot more respect in here then I.

So is there any tips anyone would like to give me? Please share!