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Topics - The white Knight

Reg Discussion / breaking with rats
October 02, 2013, 09:47:53 PM
is there any reason that i wouldn't be able to break this with 80m rats? sounds pretty absurd to me...
Acres (?)   222,515
Networth (?)   $452,960,738
Race (?)   Stoat
Health (?)   100%
Rats (?)   8,292,448
Weasels (?)   1,779,164
Stoats (?)   2,287,248
Skiffs (?)   1,030,390
Leaders (?)   4,320,731
Turbo Discussion / top strategies
April 11, 2013, 09:25:50 PM
so, being as i'm new to this 3.0 thing what are the top strategies for turbo? i've noticed that marten, lizard, rat, and weasel races can be very potent. but how do you use them? (excluding rat/lizard because i've used them already)
Turbo Discussion / Leaders
February 01, 2013, 09:50:22 PM
so it won't let me prepare raiders from the general's hut section, any reason why? like the option doesnt even come up