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Topics - The Demon Hunter

General Discussion / Hello Everyone!!
September 19, 2003, 05:02:11 PM
 Calria seems to think i should have posted this here.. i think...

Hello mortals, I am the demon hunter. No, not illidin, although he is one of my anciencts. I live many ages later then my foolish ancestor. With the power given to me by elune, i will let the stars fall apon you, and chaos reign in the worls of redwall. MOA HA HA HA!!!

(just thought i'd do the typical newb speech and try to sound cool <_< )

How y'all doin?  
 Hello mortals, I am the demon hunter. No, not illidin, although he is one of my anciencts. I live many ages later then my foolish ancestor. With the power given to me by elune, i will let the stars fall apon you, and chaos reign in the worls of redwall. MOA HA HA HA!!!

(just thought i'd do the typical newb speech and try to sound cool  <_< )

How y'all doin?