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Topics - Aminrael

General Discussion / Massive Dance Thingy
January 10, 2004, 05:43:40 PM
 I went to the winter formal last night, and it was so fun! Yeek!
Pics 1

(In the second pic in the first link, I'm the one on the left)

And to get it to work, you have to copy/paste the links, because as Calan says, that is the Way it Works.
General Discussion / TJ and Ilse
September 27, 2003, 06:14:10 PM
 TJ and I finally met each other! We each drove to Goshen, which is approximately an hour away from both of us and met at the "Old Bag Factory", where we talked to his parents and my mom, and after that we went and looked at all the stores, where I had a blast of a time poking all of the shiny dangling objects that I could while TJ chanted "No! Don't poke it! Noo!" in the background.

Here's the link to see the pictures. Only three, I'm afraid. The blurry one with TJ by himself is when he was pointing excitedly at a random moose, and then there's two of us together, and the one where TJ is looking off to the side is when he was talking to his mom.

General Discussion / Hey, I'm new
August 11, 2003, 06:26:41 PM
 Hallo, I'm new here, and this is the first post I've done in a forum, ever. And I'm kinda shy, so don't hurt me!