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Topics - Doc Holliday

Spa Room 101 / Good day
February 21, 2012, 09:57:16 PM
Why, hello there. I must state before we start that it has been an absolutely dreadful day! But be that as it may, allow me to take my seat so we may begin...

Call me Doc Holliday, or Doc for short if you wish to avoid a number of syllables which may cause harm the gentle sensibilities of your psyche. I do so love me a hand of poker from time to time, but I don't figure that'd be your game at all! What may suit you however, would be the redundant exchange of seemingly pointless messages on a public forum such as this. Do correct me if I am wrong! I hate to be wrong, it can be most embarrassing when called out in front of a crowd. But get used to it.

What can be deduced from my most humble introduction though, is that I am a man of refined tastes. Let us hope that we are never cross and please do not hesitate to call me out on what you may consider unacceptable. I may ignore your advice as I do with most, but we can still be friends. I think we'd make great friends. After all, "great" minds think alike. And we all must recognize when we are in the presence of the greatest minds of all, even if those minds are as empty as this message.