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Topics - Snowy Fir

Turbo Discussion / Little Crows
April 25, 2012, 01:21:56 PM
I was going to complain about the odds. I count at least 5 little crows pecking at my feathers, and here I only have 1 of my own. But it occurred to me that 5 against 2 is an even match, given how effective us ravens have been.

So congrats to the carrion-eaters for slowing me down. It took 25 days, nearly constant online attacks, and of course daily reminders through the ingame message system that I'm not as good as I think I am (thank you for those Sevah). Now you have some of my land.
Turbo Discussion / Like Birds
April 16, 2012, 01:55:02 PM
This morning I went for a walk. I followed a lone raven who was being chased around my village by the crows. This raven was twice the size of the largest crow, he had a hooked beak and a sharp mind. By pecking at his feathers the little crows could slow him. Five or six at a time would pursue him as he moved from place to place. He rarely lingered long in one spot.

I recognized that this is exactly what has been happening to me, but I also recognized something else...

this was the most well fed raven I have ever seen.
Turbo Discussion / Congrats Fire
January 27, 2012, 09:26:38 PM
Well we managed to break the emperor. I wouldn't say it was a clean break, but I managed to get some hits in before I ran out of turns.

This was an epic battle because Ice was very effective at destroying my army. Before the beginning of the run the Ice clan murdered and destroyed 300m rats, leaving me with less then 20m and only 300 acres of land. I managed to scrape, sack, and mass my way up to a big enough army to break the emperor (thanks to some food, cash, and loyalty from Domingo).

Just before I broke I found myself short on cash. I did the math and it looked like I would need an extra 14b cash to make the amount of rats I was aiming for. Here is the conversation I had with the insufferable Mr. Sevah:

From: Snowy Fir (#14)
I am 14b cash away from breaking the emp. If you manage to send me that or send me more rats, then I should be able to get up to 450m rats.

From: Dragon (#10)
Turns: 350 Cash: $19,275,726,530 +13b banked Land: 24,209 Loyalty: 5,697,808 Food: 852,292,390 Health: 98% Networth: $153,958,421

dunno, you were bagging me out in the forums. Sabotaged me then blame me of sabotaging the clan now you're asking me for help?

From: Snowy Fir (#14)
Well screw it then. I broke him on my own. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.

From: Dragon (#10)
Don't thank me, i'm expectin you to say you'll stop trashin me before I help ya. What were you expecting?

Well done clan mates!