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Topics - FunkyFerretGuy

 Now this poll makes sense, as we've narrowed it done to Wolf Bite being one of the greatest players, and Tarsonis being a quick Emperor, though sometimes through the form of foriegn aid and multis.
Polling / Who remembers me?
September 27, 2003, 01:03:00 PM
 I'm stupidly trying to remember who I know and stuff like that... Maybe if I stole the idea of creating huge Warlord Forums chats I might remember some people.... My names Matt, if that strikes anything to anybody.
Spa Room 101 / That...Banana... Avatar
June 23, 2003, 07:41:27 PM
 He's totally doing Rap or Disco... the very movement... DISGUSTING.
General Discussion / I'm back...
June 23, 2003, 07:24:11 PM
 The ferret freak is back!  Um... I know four  people: Trident, Shael, Julie, and Ad.   :blink:  
General Discussion / Birthdays
April 17, 2003, 05:48:12 PM
 When is everybody's birthday?  Mine is April 17, 1987.
 I've noticed that Mr.Jacques's books seem less and less like the original.  Lord Brocktree was ok, and then Taggerung was kinda bad, and of course Triss was kinda a waste of time.  Triss and Pearls of Lutra almost seemed the same in the ways of sea going experiences and such.