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Topics - Malus

General Discussion / Hey guys, returning player.
April 02, 2009, 10:33:04 AM
Hey guys!

I've played Warlords on and off for years, but the last few times I could never really get back into it. A friend of mine let me borrow "Thunder Oak" a little more "older" fantasy book that reminds me very much of Redwall and I remembered how much fun I used to have playing this game so here I am.

I do, however, have a question. It's been quite a while and I don't remember how everything still works. I created Empire of Welkin on the Turbo server and it seems I'm already in a clan. Clan Army. But I don't remember joining anything. How does this work?

Secondly, what're the real uses for cities? Towers?

Thirdly, What does moving to Mossflower (currently at Sampertra) or to any other place for that matter do?

Thanks very much for any possible help!  :)


I kinda made my Warlord name Welkin Empire but I meant to make it Malus. Any way of changing that?

[Edit:  Merged a doublepost, please use the edit button]