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Topics - Earendil

Turbo Discussion / Turbo server not working out
April 02, 2003, 10:10:05 AM
 Not to whine or anything ;)
but I'm thinking somehting needs to change in the turbo server. the entire game is played in the first 48 hours, and after that you have the top 2 or 3 guys and a bunch much smaller guys getting farmed. all the land pools in the top 3 guys, and never comes back down.
just look at the top ten, it's pretty obvious.

1   Xenocide (#13)                   100,234   $92,308,971   
2   Armed Forces (#4)               74,465    $57,291,079   
3   wolf bite (#9)                        61,916   $51,636,540   
4   Ereptor's Raiders (#25)        18,128   $17,548,809   
5   Earendil Star (#38)                 8,319   $10,653,031   
6   Swarming Hordes (#45)        7,675   $10,610,502   
7   Bringers of Darkness (#66) 10,631   $10,066,450   
8   Blood Wake (#40)                   9,330   $  9,632,453   
9   Vientoperros ll (#22)               7,531   $  9,550,768   
10   (#18)                                     5,231   $  8,803,627   

it is starting to lack the fun factor it used to have...
anyone have ideas about how to fix this?
General Discussion / Bandwidth Exceeded
April 01, 2003, 09:10:57 AM
 any site connected to has been giving me a "bandwidth exceeded" message every time I've tried to excess it in the last 48 hours.

this has caused a lot of missed turns on the turbo server, and it would seem that people were able to attack me during that time. just curious if everyone was getting this message.

Admins want to comment on what was up?

Help / Bugs / Raising Raiders
March 05, 2003, 12:35:21 PM
 so, after finding a few people that I need to "raise raiders" in order to attack, I go to the generals hut, and attempt to "Prepare raiders" for myself.

I thought that because this is a self spell, you know, just going out and calling in a few raiders for a lot of loyalty, that the success rate would be 100%....

I've failed twice now to "prepare raiders", the second time around I lost 4663  leaders, not to mention my loyalty, while FAILING to prepare raiders for myself....the guide says JS about this subject.

so, what all effects the success rate of this?

Help / Bugs / Net Income Questions
March 03, 2003, 09:45:21 AM
 I'm handling it quite well so far, but it's still magic to me.
what ALL effects you net income, and how can you calculate what will, and how much, something will effect it?

Markets - a good thing, but how good?

Tents - increases population, but how much? how many more "workers" can a tent hold compared to unused land. how many total workers do you have? and how much money does a "worker" give you?

Camps - again, no specifics on this either, only that it reduces military cost.

Barracks - no reducing income...but do barracks have a financial obligation once built? do they increase expenses?

Huts - what about huts?

Foragers - and foragers?

Guard Towers - these guys I know increase expenses a LOT, I have quite a few of them, it killed my income for a long time until I could recoup with tents and camps. any ideas on HOW much they actually effect expenses?

what about other unaccounted for increase and decrease in net income?
I watched my income over 40 or so ticks. and it would climb....I thought this was due to getting more workers...but for quite a few turns my net income actually dropped, even though I was still gaining workers. any ideas?
(note that I just punched in 40 turns to loot, I wasn't able to change anything during those 40 turns in order to make it fluctuate up and down).

now to see what can be said :)
Thanks in advance!!