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Topics - Craby

Reg Discussion / Some things never change
October 11, 2007, 09:27:32 PM
Cloaked and in the dark of night a warlord of the past returns to the lands called Redwall.  He stakes out a small plot of land and posts signs around the property that he is peaceful and will send aid to the needy. A venturing tribe assaults the land and leaves the warlord with only 5,000 acres.  The warlord ignores the assault and starts sending massive aid to the young and needy as he maintains in the top 10.  Again the tribe assaults the warlord down to 3,000 acres.  The warlord nicely explains to the tribe that he is peaceful and to please not raid lands so low when even the land farm has 4 times as much for the easy taking.  Considering the matter closed, the warlord grabs the land from the land farm and continues to send supplies to the less fortunate.  The tribe makes a major assault on the warlord and again leaves him at 3,000 acres.

Reluctantly, the warlord dusts off his sword and in a ninja like style, dances around the tribe to show them their weaknesses. The warlord informs the tribe that was simply a display of what they are starting and any further assaults will result in a war.  The tribe sends letters to the warlord that he is weak and whining as they assault the land and declare war!  The warlord makes stronger attacks and gives the tribe one last chance to reconsider.

A war is brewing. It is 4 members of #*&! clan against me.  A fair fight.  Even if this stupidity continues, I still plan on continuing to send aid to the needy.