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Topics - manonmooninacan

General Discussion / Top 4 Stats (old server)
February 15, 2003, 05:19:32 PM
 C how powerfull teh top dogs on the old server rilly are......

Tarsonis IV (#871)
Turns 50 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #1
Workers 6,681,425
Land Acres 817,735
Money $7,908,450,686
Food 20,618,175,235
Loyalty 100,959,339
Networth $1,916,401,778
Location Southsward
Race Fox
Health 96%
Tax Rate 19%
Rats 70,333,499
Weasels 15,769,669
Stoats 19,834,606
Skiffs 9,059,367
Leaders 5,834,323

Germania (#98)
Turns 275 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #2
Workers 825,820
Land Acres 346,776
Money $2,326,894,354
Food 2,380,169,873
Loyalty 42,741,339
Networth $474,625,027
Location Northlands
Race Fox
Health 100%
Tax Rate 10%
Rats 52,019,089
Weasels 5,913,196
Stoats 17,022,958
Skiffs 2,925,203
Leaders 2,765,043

Ereptor's Raiders (#61)
Turns 66 (max 450)
Turns Stored 2 (max 150)
Rank #3
Workers 2,239,620
Land Acres 315,043
Money $827,296,807
Food 79,526,555
Loyalty 4,921,908
Networth $241,274,675
Location Mossflower Country
Race Stoat
Health 40%
Tax Rate 10%
Rats 12,015,896
Weasels 18,343
Stoats 11,251,166
Skiffs 34,659
Leaders 915,704

Windhounds (#116)
Turns 450 (max 450)
Turns Stored 108 (max 150)
Rank #4
Workers 2,518,627
Land Acres 123,449
Money $5,259,428,088
Food 1,777,211,016
Loyalty 44,191,543
Networth $198,399,115
Location Mossflower Country
Race Fox
Health 58%
Tax Rate 8%
Rats 5,917,318
Weasels 487,718
Stoats 421,483
Skiffs 432,415
Leaders 1,313,663

I'm not very impresed with sum of them, but tahts jest my opinon.