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Topics - Tiger

General Discussion / RWL is expending!
October 31, 2005, 02:18:05 AM
We've just opened a new RWL in complete Hebrew version!
there are over 200 israelis players and not much hebrew promisances...

our future goal is to combine the hebrew DB with English version and to make multiple languege selection...

we have server and sponsers and everything so far....

but...unfurtunally we have the most common problem in my opinion...

we have Crontab(Cronjobs) problems...

so..i would like to ask from all the proggramer who now's this to help us fix this 1 little problem...

("No Turns Yet!")..

i would apritiated if some1 would help us...

Help / Bugs / I need ergent help with 2 subjects PLEASE.
September 23, 2005, 03:16:32 AM
Weve just translated the RWL to hebrew and we have just one problem, we can activate the turn...
please help me if you know how.

we want to add the "light.css" of this version, his the best.
can NE1 send it to me?...

in the name of me and all the israel promisance community i thank you.