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Topics - Trident

General Discussion / Pet Pictures!
May 24, 2003, 04:14:19 PM

(I don't like to upload picture as that site, but I *really* hope it works)

That's my sweet little kitten Miya...who dissapeared a few days ago  <_<  
Polling / Porbably My last poll...
May 21, 2003, 11:12:42 PM
 I voted everybody  :P  :D  
General Discussion / G'bye!
May 19, 2003, 07:09:21 PM
 I find that I post almost nothing here, so I guess it really wouldn't matter if I left or not.  I may leave the boards, but chances are I won't leave the game.  

I've been here since november 7th... and spammed the boards ever since  :D

Cool people:

Retto- I first met you on RPGS and such, as well as bragged about how good you are to ROC Survivor idiots who grip about how you need to keep updating on them.  You rock!  (I hope you're not freaked out about the chat we were in not too long ago...heh...I'M NOT A STALKER).

Ad- Oh blah blah... I hardly talk to you here, but I sure do on the chats.  I have no idea what to say... you've been there for me, and I thank you for that.  

Rough Raiders-  Everybody tels me to choose between you and Deadeye, and I never could.  I still can't now; I love you both.  You helped me awhile back with Kasey, and you've been a great friend.  You are no newbie.

Deadeye- Just as I love Rough Raiders, I love you too.  SKATERS ROCK!!!  :D     I've been in several of your clans I believe, and it was great!

Ragefur- I can so no other than *hugs*

Scarwake- And don't think I've forgotten you, boggy.  I've been in Evil Blades for some time now, in all the servers.  You've sent me a lot of aid...thanks.

Julie- ^_^  Heh... penguins rule.  Fighting over people was sooo much fun in chat rooms.  John, Deadeye, we've fought over a lot of people hehe.  

Aqualis- Mr.131 IQ  <_<   You've been a great, humorous friend.  You've probided a lot of wise words, and although you may be young compared ot a lot of ppl we talk to, you're by far past their level of thought.  Go ABA!

John- Soccer is cool.

Beem- Wolves Rock

Wolf Bite- Wolves rock.  

TheGameWolf- I love you!!!

Bluemoon the wolf- I don't know why everybody hates you!  I sure don't!  I never got your screen name by the way....I hope you have one.

Killer Wolf- SIBERIAN HUSKIES RULE!!!!!!!!!

Oh...and to everybody else such as Shael, Kilk, Brock, Ashyra, and everybody else who I know but don't.  o.O?  

General Discussion / Drawings
May 18, 2003, 09:05:23 PM

What do you think of that?
Polling / Signature
May 17, 2003, 02:44:44 PM
 I like the song by Flock of Seagulls, "I ran (i ran so far away)"  so that's where my singature comes.  
General Discussion / Short Stories
May 14, 2003, 06:37:53 PM
 Anybody have any short stories to share?  While this might be kind of confusing, since you don't know what was previously said, here's one of my best role playing posts.

The wolf leader's eyes shined a strange violet color in the reflecting sunlight.  "We are simply known as Violet Ray," she spoke in a quiet voice, very light sounding.  "We all lived on an island far away..."  Thus began to saga, never told to any beasts but the 4 creatures who they had come apon.    They all lived on a far off island, the population some three hundred.  The very incorrigible term "vermin" wasn't heard of.  All of them were alike, and lived in serene sense of sercurity and peace.  That was all like that, until the entire plague swept through.  The plague wasn't of sickness; it was of color.  Normally brown colored weasels, mice, and otters soon turned white, which unlikely in a tropical climate.  The whites were sorted out, and destroyed quickly.  Several brown shes gave brith to whites, and hid them off.  They could only hope that with just a few days to live, that they'd get far off.  The whites were always living in shadows, until they revolted.  They came back with much force, but there was nothing really to come back to.  Everybody had left, and gone sailing.  Out to seek well-needed revenge, the whites left several large ships.  They nosed into a larger island, and went off to explore.  There were about 200 of them.  They were soon surrounded by dark colored creatures, and while the males were taken off into slavery, the females were locked up in cells.  The brave white wolf, known as WyldeSoul, escaped from his slave work and freed all the females.  He told them to leave, and seek their well needed freedom.  They swore to come back.  Years later, the females did just that.  When seeing the females clad in bright violet dresses, the men turned on their masters, and began to attack.  Male and female alike were slain, and few escaped with their lives.  The males died at sea, and the females forever mourned.  When they returned years later, there was nothing left.  The females decided to be known as Violet Rays (not violent) and they traveled great distances, singing of misfortune.  They were all so greatly lamented, that only one had other thoughts.  That was she wolf, the leader.  Her name was none other than Wylethia (why-leth-eea).
General Discussion / To everybody
May 07, 2003, 07:37:53 PM
 Please go here:

It's my promise  :D  
Help / Bugs / Admins- HELP
May 02, 2003, 09:57:51 PM
 I've sent off several requests within this week to get UNdisabled in regular.  I was known as Long Lashed She Wolves (#887), and I was disabled because I had heard one of the servers reset, and I thought it was Regular since there's all these polls about it reseting, and that's where I created a new account (TJ'S HOT some number that I don't know)  Couly uo undisable the first one and kill the other?!
Polling / RWL
May 01, 2003, 11:02:47 PM
 I find this site not too obsessive... I do find talking with RWL fans in chat rooms rather obsessive though.  
Polling / Which one?
April 29, 2003, 05:42:48 PM
 I don't know which one.

It's not like it really matters  :(  
 So nobody winhes about how much I attack them, I'd like to know who's who for the turbo reset.  I am:  TJ'S HOT (#22).   :D  
Spa Room 101 / One word role playing
April 27, 2003, 10:23:11 PM
 All you do is add one word onto the sentence.

General Discussion / To My Husbands
April 26, 2003, 09:06:13 PM
 Gak it messed up
 I think they should live in the dog house!  

DON'T ASK  [just play along]
General Discussion / Let's see how well this goes ;)
April 26, 2003, 03:52:29 PM
1. Go down 1 number at a time
2. change the type of drink each time

99 bottles of mint tea on the wall, 99 bottles of mint tea!  Pour it on Chad...oops, my bad, 98 bottles of mint tea!
General Discussion / Hunny Bunny or anybody else
April 25, 2003, 07:05:27 PM
 This is Ashton Kutcher

That may not of been his best picture, but he's hotter'n' Orlando by far.
Strategy / My notorious strat
April 24, 2003, 06:17:56 PM
 I keep foragers, barracks, huts, and guards to the same amount.  (If I have 20,000 land, I woulf have 2000 of each)  I then keep abotu 6000 tents, and the rest are markets.  

Also, if somebody attacks you, chances are you can get them back whther through leaders, rats, stoats, or skiffs.  

If somebody attacks you first, attack them back- VICIOUSLY.

Turbo Discussion / My wraith
April 24, 2003, 06:14:20 PM
 I want you to know this, people.... (DON'T MOCK ME, I'M SERIOUS)

In turbo, if somebody attacks me once, I don't stop attacking them back 'til their maxed out.

The following people have fallen into that unlucky area:

Peace Alliance
Ereptor's Raiders

I don't wish for anymore people to have to go through this...   :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

~The-nice-on-forums, cruel-on-games Trident
 My AIM was hacked into and all my buddies were deleted, so I created a new name.  It's:  Fox At A Trot  :D  
Polling / My warlord name
April 22, 2003, 10:09:45 PM
 Some of the answers are incredibly stupid...but oh well.  *is still laughing*