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Topics - Neobaron

Spa Room 101 / Turbo
May 28, 2009, 09:27:50 PM
i think blood wake is a pretty cool guy. eh spams facebook and doesnt afraid of anything.


Also, I have a new MSN -

If it so pleases, add me. Im going to be playing this round.
General Discussion / Changelog?
January 24, 2009, 03:16:11 PM
I think this is relevant to the forum description, so i'm putting it here.

Is there some kind of changelog for things that have... well... changed in the game over the last 1.5-2 years?
Polling / Juska
January 24, 2009, 03:14:19 PM
Last I was here, Juska was the peak in pure evil as far as the game was concerned. :P

Has this changed? If so, who replaced him?
Spa Room 101 / Oh, hi.
January 20, 2009, 12:11:33 AM
I liek cake.
Spa Room 101 / /ninja
September 11, 2007, 03:25:25 PM

Spa Room 101 / Not Sure Where to Put This...
June 22, 2007, 09:24:47 AM
But what the hall happened to RWL?

Its all... different... looking...

And stuff.

Cant live without the stuff.

:-o :?
Reg Discussion / Ingredi in Creperum
April 10, 2007, 10:25:54 AM
That was weaksauce sir.

I think I remember why i left to begin with... buttholes have taken over the game and the concept of mutual respect and attention to neutrality has gone down the drain.
General Discussion / OH NOES!
April 03, 2007, 12:24:35 PM
Teh WoW servers are down for another half hour but the withdrawal is starting to take hold of my sanity!


:-o :cry: :oops: :-( :|
Bugs / ' Glitching?
March 16, 2007, 08:32:52 PM
IN turbo, it seems like every time we try to take "i am back"s city, the name gets longer via the apostrophe (')

It went from "you guys can't really kill me can you" to "you guys can'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''t really kill me can you"

Can someone look into this?
Turbo Discussion / kthxbai
March 14, 2007, 01:28:03 PM
Kell Empire has been annhilated.

1) He was annoying.

2) He killed Peace. Nobody gets away with killing Peace.

3) Did NOT know who he was messing with! >=-(
Spa Room 101 / [dance]Around the World[/dance]
March 12, 2007, 01:48:27 PM
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Turbo Discussion / YaR!1!
March 11, 2007, 12:46:28 AM
I had forgotten how much fun this was. =-)

I still play like a noob, and my style of play wont work with all of 30 people playing, but im still having fun. ^.^
Reg Discussion / Themes?
March 08, 2007, 05:13:03 PM
What happened to themes in Reg?

I wants mai beveleds. :(
Spa Room 101 / Im Around
March 01, 2007, 02:26:55 AM
But not much. :(

Neo has finished his certifications and stuff.

He is now an MCSE, and working towards miscellaneous Dell, IBM, Cisco, and Motorola certifications for, if nothing else, the hell of it.

I say that because I am now working, and getting paid $31.50 an hour as an IBM field service rep.

Hooray IBM.

Only drawback is they pretty much own me... Im on call 24/7, and as a matter of fact I just recently got back from a call (its 3:30 in the morning here.)


So anyways, I just stopped by to say I love everyone, and see whats going on.

Cheers. :)
Spa Room 101 / *laugh*
October 15, 2006, 12:20:15 AM
My kitteh is licking my finger and its cuuuuuute!!!  :-D :-D :-D

+ it tickles.
Turbo Discussion / That Was Unnecessary.
September 15, 2006, 02:36:25 PM
Killing me out of the blue?

GG. Youre a marked man.
General Discussion / Rebuilding the Community
September 07, 2006, 03:51:55 PM
And the game at the same time.

I just got finished running on Turbo, and it is rather pathetic that only 7 people signed up. This is clearly proof that the community is dying, not to mention the lack of posting by some of the more frequent posters like Ashy or Nohc.

The only ones here are casual players, and more than half of Reg (from my point of view) is on vacation.


I think we need to open up the door to recruiting and advertizing guys... otherwise we might as well just close the doors and move on.

When I got here we were pushing 200+ players, and in 2 or so years since i've been here, its dwindled to less than 30 actually playing the game, with a few other people haunting the forums.

Our most dedicated player, Wolf Bite, cant even play anymore because of his admin status, and with his constant threat to the better players gone, there is no longer reason to play for the top spot since you know youre going to get beat down by Ereptor or Josh or someone else who doesnt even need to try to do so.

Blades is always there, but there is nothing to stop that, and BA isnt around because i'm the only one left who can keep an account active for more than 1 run (curse you holby).


So the point is, we need to get whoever is left and try to brainstorm an effective way to recruit that hasnt been worn out by other Promis.

General Discussion / HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEO!
September 01, 2006, 11:46:13 AM
Spa Room 101 / Wildwood?
August 23, 2006, 07:26:43 PM
Holy crap!

You were here when I first came around and left soon afterwards!  :-o  :-o  :-o

Good to see you!
Spa Room 101 / Been back 2 days
August 16, 2006, 10:06:02 PM
And I already saw a Retto!!!

Is this some kind of freaky omen?


Snakes on a Plane is pure BS.

I keep expecting the movie to come up, play the trailers, then a big blue screen comes up that says "this is not a movie"





Then ashton runs in fromt he side door yelling "PUNK'D"