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Topics - Beem

Spa Room 101 / Who knew
November 17, 2003, 07:40:10 PM
 I was attacked and it says I lost -192 acres...  and then - some other amount of land...  I didn't know that was possible, but when I went to construct, there where 200 something acres just sitting there...  is this  bug or is this seriously there?  I like it ^^
General Discussion / guess
November 02, 2003, 08:21:28 PM
 Guess who's back?
Beem is back,
Tell a friend,
Beem is back,

YEAH! I AM BACK! Dun Dun Dun!  and I am playing the new RWL.. and I must say I dun like the set up as much as before... *shrugs*  odd... anyway hoorah you all! maybe this tiem I will stick around long enough to get my custom title.  Do the admins still issue them for 1000 posts?   Oh well, if not then I will just have to get on the good side of one of them so I can gain title as master of skittles! YEAH! *tosses skittles to the old friends here and the new ones soon to be.*
General Discussion / Tootles
August 09, 2003, 06:38:29 PM
 Yeah, the time has come.  This place has gotten very very boring.  I really just never come here anymore.  Things have gotten both annoying and just tedious.  I have lost all the fun I used to have coming here.  I rarely play RWL, and even rarer are my visits here.  I guess I won't make it to my 1,000 posts or custom title.  *shrugs* dun matter.  I leave my skittles to... TRIDENT!  *Tosses her his skittles*  They are yours now, take good care of them.  So, good-bye you all.
 It is possible that I am back to the forums, for a short while at least.  I left because the fun of it had been obliterated into small pieces of shrapnel that could be found once in a while, buried in a hard spot.  Anyway, I am really bored right now and I thought this might be a good time to visit the forums to see whether they had crashed into a burning smoldering pile of... something... anyway, I may be back.  Hooray for those who care, and too bad for those who are dreading it.  *Tosses skittles.* Who all is still around here anyway?  

P.S. The main reason I came back is that I want to get to 1000 posts before I leave, just so I can get a custom title. ^_^
Turbo Discussion / Time for round 4
May 28, 2003, 05:54:04 PM
 Well round three has ended and four will now begin.  I congratulate everyone who managed to be immortalized, and those who did not.  Everyone played their best... unless they didn?t... which would mean they aren?t worthy of congratulations.  Anyway, I won?t be participating in the next round, and probably the one after that.  My parents say I am getting addicted ^_^.  So, what numbers and all did every one get?  Oh, and GL on round 4!
Role-Play / Character Descriptions
May 19, 2003, 08:24:24 PM
 Okay, I am making this topic here because I think it fits better than in General discussion.  So, here all you do is make a character deposit and describe them vividly.  Describe them as richly with words as your brains can handle.  The best description will win... hmmm SKITTLES! What else would I give out?  So, ummm start!    
Polling / What do you think of me?
May 19, 2003, 07:45:16 PM
 Well, I am bored and need to raise my post count.  Many people have posted polls like this lately, and I found I was bored enough to join them, as annoying as it may be.  So, tell me what you think. ^_^ *Tosses skittles.*  
Polling / New Sig/avatar
April 30, 2003, 08:07:10 PM
 Well, I spent two days drawing and coloring it, and here it is.  What do you people think?
General Discussion / New Sig/avatar
April 30, 2003, 06:13:01 PM
 I am going to attempt to insert an image into this message; I have never done this before so, here I go.

Edit:  Okay, I need help here.  I've never done this, (redundancy, got to love It.) and I don't know how to do it.  I have uploaded the image into geocities, under the Sn udderlytofu.  The file is named skittlesdrawing.JPG how can I put it into this message?  I mean, what is the address thing I have to put in between the little IMG thingy?
General Discussion / Moi,
April 28, 2003, 06:58:44 PM
 Well, since others are posting pictures of themselves to see what others think, I will follow suit.  Click here for the picture.  Tell me what you think.
Polling / Me, what do you think?
April 11, 2003, 08:41:52 AM
 This is designed to find out how I am viewed in the forums, and in the game.  Post your thoughts, and I can try to work on areas you dislike about me.  Hooray! *Tosses skittles.*
Turbo Discussion / umm am I gone?
April 11, 2003, 08:32:51 AM
 Am I destroyed already?  I tried to log in and it said user doesn't exist.  Am I already dead? If so, who killed me?
Turbo Discussion / Tootles
April 08, 2003, 09:02:35 PM
 Yeah, many people are leaving turbo for one reason or another.  I am just tired of getting myself stable then log on five minutes later to a mess.  Then after spending 400 turns I am stable again for another five minutes.  It gets tedious.  So, I am leaving... I don't know who will get what.  I know, I?m going to do it this way.  I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100, the person closest to guessing that number when I check on Thursday gets what I can send them. ^_~ I am still on the forums and in the regular server... I just got sick of turbo.  *Flicks skittles around at the random readers. *
Polling / Best clan crier
April 03, 2003, 04:44:15 PM
 Hooray, select the one with the best crier! in your opinion, I will null my vote but I would have gone for _/\_ just because.  Ready, Set, Poll! *fires skittles up in the air as the mass mob of pollers roll in and click little buttons.* ahhh the fun this brings. ^_^
Bugs / Ummm not fixed right?
April 02, 2003, 09:07:26 AM
 Umm after the hpr thing, it still says Dark Empired HPR!! at the top of the page.  and I think that stoats and weasels got umm switched around?
Polling / yay
April 01, 2003, 03:47:58 PM
  this stupid thing!  worry, I ment this to go in a different topic. *grins and dissappears in a poof of skittles.*
Turbo Discussion / whee
March 23, 2003, 02:10:07 PM
 I started a new turbo server, my other one I deleted long ago.  I am now #281 Winters Bite, I am gonna /try/ to uphold ads code of honor and not attack anyone unless it is to pretect someone, or in a desperate state, Try being the key word.  hope this will be fun, specially right before the reset

[edit:] I am now #24 Winters lul, but my vow stays the same, not to attack unless attacked more than 4 times a day, or to protect those I am friends with.
General Discussion / newbie,inbetweenie,oldbie/vet
March 14, 2003, 07:08:26 PM
 How long does one have to be around to no longer be a newbie?  then how long before an oldbie/vet?
and best of all, what am I?
I thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss, though it probably should be in the help topic
Polling / best french fry condiment
March 13, 2003, 08:15:23 PM
 Hey, take this poll, I am bored and was eating french fries, and wondered what to eat them with.  so let you decide my fate for next time ^_^
eep, I misspelt mayonnaise; and forgot to hyphenate french-fries
Help / Bugs / I've got a question about the forums
March 04, 2003, 04:35:02 PM
 under our names, there are lil boxes,  they increase some how and some way,  how are they mesured before you get a new one? and how often?  if it is by posts, how many posts before you get another box?