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Messages - Shoot Me

Turbo Discussion / 1st
October 07, 2003, 07:18:37 PM
 Yup you better believe it. Ask Peace, he knows :D
Turbo Discussion / 1st
October 07, 2003, 04:49:21 PM
 lol im a pretty big cause of it too... I only use 1 military type and leave the other 3 open, and 0 guard towers :rolleyes:  
Turbo Discussion / Is promisance attacking US???
October 04, 2003, 01:19:37 PM
 or perhaps to get people where they dont hide in protection, set a time-based protection period of, lets say, 24 hours where all empires are ejected from protection regardless of how many turns used. This wouldnt be too hard to code.

I think I have gotten used to all the names that are changed and the numbers that are altered. I would be up for the challenge that Dilf has proposed, after all you guys are probably used to a turbo server of this turn rate anyways, while SG will have to 'adapt' basically giving you guys a sort of "home-turf advantage".

Even if you guys dont want this, I guess I can still have my fun in turbo up top ;)
General Discussion / I have a great idea!
October 04, 2003, 01:07:13 PM
 What Dilf said :D

But yeah, Im sure with your superior numbers SG wouldnt have a whole lot against an invasion by you guys but I'm willing to fight to the end for SG ;)

If this is still gonna happen, see ya guys there ;)
Turbo Discussion / Is promisance attacking US???
October 02, 2003, 11:14:02 PM
 You know you guys are limited to a preset amount of hits against me in turbo so no matter how many of you were on me I know I can only suffer so many hits at once (what is it, 25 here?) and then maybe 1-2 more per hour. I have learned to adapt to a 50 hit limit in other similarly paced games, Im sure i can handle half that amount without too much frustration ;)

I do know the Promisance code like I know the back of my hand... But how much do I really know the back of my hand?  :rolleyes:

I will not rush in "bringing in the crew" just like you guys were planning for about a month to take over a game with an entire 3 players in it. I do need time to learn the code, even though, based on my observation so far, it is basically the standard promisance code with a few names and numbers altered and a couple other things here and there. Consider this a practice set for me B)

Anyways, Carry on :D
Turbo Discussion / Is promisance attacking US???
October 02, 2003, 09:04:45 PM
 Just so you guys know #19 is mine... No I'm not here to take over... I would have brought a much larger crew over if i wanted to try that ;)

SwiftGaming (SG) Promisance is that server you guys were gonna invade this month, not sure if thats still happening but all 3 of us left over there decided to give this game a shot. Just felt like trying something out that was new to me :D

Oh and btw you missed one of us... *Snuggles* of the SG Variety (#27)

Have fun everybody :D