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Messages - Aminrael

Polling / RWL's most Wanted
January 18, 2004, 01:25:01 PM
Quote from: calriaHmmm... I don't really hate anyone on here. At least, not that was on the list. Beatles annoys me occasionally, so I go  :P  at him, and Josh hates me, but I don't really hate anyone.

Except maybe for Ilse, because I want her hair and she stole the SHINY. Yiss.

*falls over*
Methinks this is when my hair and I should go into the Witness Protection Program, then. *hides* My shiny! MINE!

(I nulled)
General Discussion / Massive Dance Thingy
January 12, 2004, 05:06:43 PM
 Eh? What's this about a space, Ashyra?

Sarah: *stares* We are best friends, eternally bound by the bonds of best-friendship, never to lose faith in each other, always being there for help and support. But it's easier to say that we're sisters. ^_^
General Discussion / Massive Dance Thingy
January 11, 2004, 07:30:34 PM
 I believe you saw them at TUI, except there they have pictures of my sister, Ari (from Terrouge). And I know they won't show -- you have to copy and paste them into the broswer thingy for them to show up.
General Discussion / Massive Dance Thingy
January 10, 2004, 05:43:40 PM
 I went to the winter formal last night, and it was so fun! Yeek!
Pics 1

(In the second pic in the first link, I'm the one on the left)

And to get it to work, you have to copy/paste the links, because as Calan says, that is the Way it Works.
General Discussion / He's heeeeee-eeere
January 06, 2004, 08:14:51 PM
 YAY! *claps*  
General Discussion / My post from Australia
January 06, 2004, 04:22:41 PM
 It was 0 degrees F today, with a wind chill of -20 degrees F. *sob* Why don't I live in Austrailia, or even somewhere warm in the US like California, or Florida, or Hawaii?!
General Discussion / Am I the only one who noticed?
January 05, 2004, 05:58:28 PM
 Happy Birthday, Bozeki!

Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  
RedCon Specific / RedCon Chat Meeting!
January 05, 2004, 05:55:42 PM
 I was helping rebuild TUI.... *hides*
Polling / Hair color
January 03, 2004, 11:31:21 AM
 Brown. Long. Thick. Wavy.  
General Discussion / ???????????????????????
January 01, 2004, 08:48:47 PM
 I played the violin for 6 years. I still have all three of my violins buried in my closet, horribly out of tune.
I used the Suzuki book to learn. Does anyone else use Suzuki?
General Discussion / Happy New Year!
December 31, 2003, 08:42:11 PM
 It'll be 2004 in 2 hours and 20 minutes for me. And for TJ as well, since we're in the same state/time zone/general area.

Polling / Fish
December 30, 2003, 11:50:30 PM
 Woah! Those are really nifty pics! I really like the one of the clownfish.
Fishy fishy...
Has anyone guessed where that quote came from yet?
Polling / Fish
December 30, 2003, 09:12:02 AM
 "Fishy fishy fishy..."

I don't like eating fishies. I DO have fishies in an aquarium. *gloats in fishiness*
A cookie to whoever tells me where the above quote is from!
News / Updates / New Moderators
December 26, 2003, 08:09:13 PM
 Yay! Congratulations, you three!
General Discussion / Going away
December 24, 2003, 11:53:47 AM
 Have fun, Dixie Rose! Yah, I live in Indiana, only a couple of hours away from Chicago. We go there all the time.
45 minutes away from Calria? Suspicious.
Or spiffy/exciting/thrilling. :D