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Messages - Shadow Man

General Discussion / Is wolf bite cheating? You Decide.
February 18, 2003, 08:21:23 PM
 i dunt kare 3ith3r, really.
General Discussion / Is wolf bite cheating? You Decide.
February 18, 2003, 08:16:28 PM
Quote from: wolf biteShadow Giant I like you, you have it all right.

There has been more then enough of this.

I have tried to talk to them, but I got threats, I hade given them my AIM account, now I have had to shut it down because everytime I am on line I get blasted with all their clan YELLING (if that can be done in words) at me.

Wolf Bite
Well I guess you earn my sympathy vote!!!!!!!!!!
General Discussion / Is wolf bite cheating? You Decide.
February 18, 2003, 08:13:56 PM
Quote from: Shadow Giantoh man. oh geez. holy COW you people are acting like total 2 yearold snotballs, for lack of a better word. personally, i think that if wolfy and his clan were cheating, the  admins would know, as i suspect that they can just check IP's on different people. even if they are, i'm not unduly worried. i really couldn't care less, after all it's just a (*censored*) game! it's fun! why are you arguing over it like a bunch of 2 yearolds?!? you people make me sick!! and btw, i'm not just ragging on one side of the argument. wolf's clan is just as bad. i mean, it's bad enough to have idiots on one side, but you people can't even get reasons staight! get your information together and talk it out like civilised people for goodness sake!!! Arggh! i can't even think staight! its such a stupid thing to argue over!
Thanks for your opinion Shadow buddy. Your english also makes you sound like a 2 year old snotball!
I think you are in wofly's clan. I'm also sure by now you know IPs don't mean squat!?!
I'm unduly?!?! worried.
Why are you judging a bunch of two year olds?
Your lack of grammar and ability to write paragraphs make me sick!!!
Thanks for calling us all idiots.
If some of these posts aren't civilized, what is?
ARGGGHHH, I doubt you could think straight if you tried!